doxygen warning / nested comments

Lionel Elie Mamane lionel at
Wed Jun 18 08:16:31 PDT 2014

Noticed in my build:

/home/master/src/libreoffice/workdirs/libreoffice-4-3/udkapi/com/sun/star/io/FilePermission.idl:76:warning: Reached end of file while still inside a (nested) comment. Nesting level 1 (probable line reference: 25)

This seems to be a message from doxygen. This looks like the
documentation of FilePermission will be blank because the content is
"skipped" because taken as part of comment... However,
looks reasonable, so maybe this is a red herring.

It seems to come from that in the doxygen comment:

  The path of the file url that ends in <code>"/*"</code> indicates all

which contains "/*"


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