Which source files / documentation - line routing - connecting edges between nodes?

Rob Collins rjc at entelecheia.com
Fri Jun 20 02:54:53 PDT 2014


I am new to the LibraOffice code base. I am trying to find the source  
code files / documentation for routing  connectors in drawings  
(LibraOffice Impress). I would like to understand the algorithm /  

I have downloaded the complete repository from GIT - have been  
searching the code but cannot find what I am looking for.

Any suggestions for:

(1) Actual source file names?

(2) Method / Function names?

(3) Good key words to search for ("Nodes", "Edges")?

The perfect solution would be documentation / presentation /  
white-papers on how this is designed / implemented.

Thank you for any help.

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