About "glyph fallback" message (vcl module)

Julien Nabet serval2412 at yahoo.fr
Fri May 2 08:47:38 PDT 2014

On 02/05/2014 16:02, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
> Hi Julien, *,
> On Friday, May 2, 2014, julien2412 <serval2412 at yahoo.fr 
> <mailto:serval2412 at yahoo.fr>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     On pc Debian x86-64 with master source updated yesterday, I've got
>     this
>     message on console when going to Options/Language Settings/Languages:
>     warn:vcl:26860:1:vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontconfig.cxx:868: In glyph
>     fallback throwing away the language property of en because the
>     detected
>     script for '0x9f3' is Bengali and that language doesn't make sense.
>     Autodetecting instead.
> without looking at the code that creates the info message:
> The unicode character 0x9f3 is from Devanagari script, so the text it 
> belongs to cannot be written in english. Thus the code ignores the 
> language that is set for the text.
> and glyph fallback genrerally occurs when the chosen font doesn't 
> contain a requested character. LO then looks for other fonts that 
> contain it. And amongst other criteria, the language of a text is also 
> used to pick a suitable font. While Japaenes and Chinese for example 
> have the same unicode value for many Kanji characters, the way it is 
> written can differ, besides the gerneral style of the font.
Thank you for your feedback Christian.
I have this with a brand new LO profile and with just the blank new doc 
after having fired up Writer and no specific font selected (so 
Liberation Serif). Also, it's French UI by default (I suppose LO detects 
the UI language of the system when generating the LO profile).
So I wonder what text triggers this.

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