autogen.input feature request

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at
Fri May 30 01:16:02 PDT 2014

On 05/30/2014 08:38 AM, Noel Grandin wrote:
> I just spent quite a while tracking down the fact that I had a trailing
> space on a line in my autogen.input file.
> If it's not possible to strip trailing spaces, could we modify the
> following error message:
>     configure: error: invalid feature name: debug
> so it reads something like
>    configure: error: invalid feature name: 'debug '

But if we would strip trailing spaces, how would I denote my 
--with-external-tar directory whose pathname ends in a space?  :P

The format of the configure error message is controlled by autoconf, so 
you'd need to send a patch there.  For the meantime, I suggest Emacs setting

   (setq-default show-trailing-whitespace t)


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