Scheduling lcov code coverage script

Maarten Hoes hoes.maarten at
Sun Nov 23 01:45:05 PST 2014


There's has been done some work recently to create a small bash shell
script to automate the creation of lcov code coverage reports of arbitrary
tests run on the libreoffice code. It can be found at
'buildbot.git/lcov-report/' [1], and it's accompanied with a
small README [2] on it's usage. I ran a few tests with it, and cannot find
any more bugs in it, so I guess it's time to see if we can start using it,
and start scheduling it somehow and upload the reports someplace.

To allow for all kinds of different tests to be run, the script itself runs
no tests: Instead, you can easily insert obvious candidates like 'make
check' or any other tests in the pipeline, and generate a report on that.

Ive heard some talk about using/integrating it with Jenkins (?) now, to
take care of the scheduling of it, updating (git clone/pull) libreoffice
sources, and uploading the reports somewhere. I have no experience with
Jenkins myself, but am willing to learn. If a simpler scheduling mechanism
like cron is used, some more code to clone/pull sources and upload reports
needs to be added to the script.

Where to go from here ?


Maarten Hoes


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