Unittest fails building on OS X 10.9

Joost Eekhoorn joost.eekhoorn at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 12:38:16 PDT 2014

Build has succeeded.
I saw in this that --disable-cve-test is needed on OS X Mavericks

Still I had to do 2 little, dirty hacks:
- Moved away 4 CVE-test file from
      (CVE-2010-333-1.rtf, CVE-2014-1761-1.rtf, CVE-2014-1761-2.rtf and
- Edited ~/lo/core/sw/qa/extras/rtfimport/rtfimport.cxx
      (skipping testN192129)

Beside that, this is what I have done:

Install Ant (OS X Mavericks does not have that anymore)


I could not found instdir/program/soffice to start the program, but used:

It would be nice if someone would review my information and update the
building instructions for Mac:
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