Add Sidebar Uno api - starting questions

Laurent Godard lgodard.libre at
Fri Apr 10 06:48:03 PDT 2015

Hi all

I would like to make the sidebar layout available through UNO api 
(targeting writer & calc for the moment)

the first steps i would like to achieve are

- get the sidebar object
   --> setVisible (true/false)
   --> get Deck ListNames
   --> set Active Deck by name
   --> get a Deck (byName or by Index)
      --> get its Panel ListNames
      --> get a panel by name or index
          --> colapse/expand the panel

I think i have all available in

and some interresting methods in

Do you think it is doable ?

My request is having some code pointers to help starting especially on 
getting the initial sidebar object from current component (frame)
Where should i look ?

I guess i'll have to write some dedicated uno glue code. where should i 
put it ? in sfx2/source/sidebar/ ?
Is there any existing code i could take as examples ?  (in impress) ?

I'm also looking to a (sort of) mentor i could ping occasionally on IRC

Well, you see, a lot of requets :)

But only for a starting point. then i'll try to achive my goal and 
propose some patch to be reviewed in a reasonable timeline

feel free to ask if something is not clear

thanks in advance


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