passing a dynamic parameter to a cppunittest

Michael Stahl mstahl at
Sat Apr 25 14:23:54 PDT 2015

On 25.04.2015 01:58, Markus Mohrhard wrote:
> so this is a question for our gbuild experts: Is there a way to pass a
> parameter through to the cppunit tester from the command line.
> So I would like to have something like:
> make CppunitTest_my_test testname1 testname2 testname3
> and get the testname1, testname2, testname3 as argument to
> sal/cppunittester/cppunittester.cxx.
> It would help if that would be possible for even just one argument.

pretty easy, this should work on master now:

make CppunitTest_my_test CPPUNITTEST_ARGS="testname1 testname2"

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