Build Error -1073740940

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at
Sat Aug 8 11:33:56 PDT 2015

Hi Thorsten,

Now building stops. The whole log is >80MB. The last part having [build 
CXX] is:
  [build CXX] unoxml/source/service/services.cxx

The lines before the failure are below.
Please tell me, what you need in addition.

Kind regards

lines immediately above the failure:
[build FIT] fcfg_database_types.xcu
Copyright: 2003 by Red Hat, Inc., based on` by Sun
All Rights Reserved.
create package 
generate package header ...
generate set for types ...
merge fragment 
generate set for filter ...
generate set for frame loader ...
generate set for content handler ...
generate package footer ...
package contains 1 items
write temp package 
[42744 refs]
[build XCS] org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs
[build XCM] officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/Common-base.xcu
S=C:/LO_buildDebug/core && I=$S/instdir && W=$S/workdir &&  mkdir -p 
$W/XcuModuleTarget/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/ && 
$W/UnpackedTarball/xslt/win32/bin.msvc/xsltproc.exe --nonet -o 
--stringparam xcs $W/XcsTarget/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs 
--stringparam schemaRoot  $S/officecfg/registry/schema --stringparam 
module base --stringparam LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER share --stringparam 
LIBO_SHARE_HELP_FOLDER help $S/officecfg/util/alllang.xsl 
[build XCS] org/openoffice/Office/Embedding.xcs
[build XCM] officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/Embedding-base.xcu
Makefile:250: recipe for target 'build' failed
make: *** [build] Error -1073740940

Thorsten Behrens schrieb:
> Regina Henschel wrote:
>> I think, the log is normal. But I have attached it. It is not long. The
>> problem appears after a short time.
> Hi Regina,
> odd indeed. Can you build with make PARALLELISM=1, so it's obvious
> which is the failing command? Or better even, come to irc for some
> interactive debugging?
> Cheers,
> -- Thorsten

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