Build Error -1073740940

Oliver Brinzing Oliver.Brinzing at
Sat Aug 8 11:58:13 PDT 2015

Hi Regina,

 > Makefile:250: recipe for target 'build' failed
 > make: *** [build] Error -1073740940

i just started to build LO 5 on Win7 64Bit with VS2013 and have same build problems

first unpacking external source "libreoffice-translations-" failed with an error "D"
could not resolved".
i use drive "d" instead of "c" as described at
adding "/cygdrive/d" solved it.

but now build will fail constantly with error 2 or error  -1073740940
i just restart the build  again and again ...

my configuration is:

/cygdrive/d/sources/libo-core/ \
--with-build-version="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z (%a, %d %b %Y)")" \
--with-vendor="LO Debug Build" \
--with-external-tar=/cygdrive/d/sources/lo-externalsrc \
--with-junit=/cygdrive/d/sources/junit-4.10.jar \
--with-ant-home=/cygdrive/d/sources/apache-ant-1.9.5 \
--disable-ccache \
--with-parallelism \
--enable-pch \
--enable-verbose \
--without-fonts \
--with-lang="de" \
--with-package-format="installed msi" \
--without-junit \
--enable-dbgutil \
--enable-debug \
--enable-crashdump \
--disable-odk \

mv autogen.lastrun autogen.input

-> admin at mypc /cygdrive/d/sources/libo-core
$ /opt/lo/bin/make all gb_COLOR=1
D:/cygwin/opt/lo/bin/make -j 4  -r -f D:/sources/libo-core/Makefile.gbuild    all


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