New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice

scan-admin at scan-admin at
Sat Dec 19 04:24:50 PST 2015


Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.

24 new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
19 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 20 of 24 defect(s)

** CID 1343641:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)

*** CID 1343641:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
/sc/source/filter/xml/xmlimprt.cxx: 290 in ScXMLFlatDocContext_Impl::~ScXMLFlatDocContext_Impl()()
284     ScXMLDocContext_Impl(i_rImport, i_nPrefix, i_rLName, i_xAttrList),
285     SvXMLMetaDocumentContext(i_rImport, i_nPrefix, i_rLName,
286                              i_xDocProps)
287     {
288     }
>>>     CID 1343641:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
>>>     Calling "~SvXMLMetaDocumentContext" frees pointer "this->mpRewindMap" which has already been freed.
290     ScXMLFlatDocContext_Impl::~ScXMLFlatDocContext_Impl() { }
292     SvXMLImportContext *ScXMLFlatDocContext_Impl::CreateChildContext(
293         sal_uInt16 i_nPrefix, const OUString& i_rLocalName,
294         const uno::Reference<xml::sax::XAttributeList>& i_xAttrList)
295     {

** CID 1343640:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)

*** CID 1343640:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
/xmloff/source/chart/contexts.cxx: 143 in SchXMLFlatDocContext_Impl::~SchXMLFlatDocContext_Impl()()
137         SchXMLDocContext(i_rImpHelper, i_rImport, i_nPrefix, i_rLName),
138         SvXMLMetaDocumentContext(i_rImport, i_nPrefix, i_rLName,
139             i_xDocProps)
140     {
141     }
>>>     CID 1343640:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
>>>     Calling "~SvXMLMetaDocumentContext" frees pointer "this->mpRewindMap" which has already been freed.
143     SchXMLFlatDocContext_Impl::~SchXMLFlatDocContext_Impl() { }
145     SvXMLImportContext *SchXMLFlatDocContext_Impl::CreateChildContext(
146         sal_uInt16 i_nPrefix, const OUString& i_rLocalName,
147         const uno::Reference<xml::sax::XAttributeList>& i_xAttrList)
148     {

** CID 1343639:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)

*** CID 1343639:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
/sw/source/filter/xml/xmlimp.cxx: 281 in SwXMLOfficeDocContext_Impl::~SwXMLOfficeDocContext_Impl()()
275         SvXMLMetaDocumentContext( rImport, nPrfx, rLName, xDocProps)
276     {
277     }
279     SwXMLOfficeDocContext_Impl::~SwXMLOfficeDocContext_Impl()
280     {
>>>     CID 1343639:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
>>>     Calling "~SvXMLMetaDocumentContext" frees pointer "this->mpRewindMap" which has already been freed.
281     }
284     SvXMLImportContext* SwXMLOfficeDocContext_Impl::CreateChildContext(
285                     sal_uInt16 nPrefix,
286                     const OUString& rLocalName,

** CID 1343638:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)

*** CID 1343638:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
/xmloff/source/draw/sdxmlimp.cxx: 235 in SdXMLFlatDocContext_Impl::~SdXMLFlatDocContext_Impl()()
229         SdXMLDocContext_Impl(i_rImport, i_nPrefix, i_rLName, i_xAttrList),
230         SvXMLMetaDocumentContext(i_rImport, i_nPrefix, i_rLName,
231             i_xDocProps)
232     {
233     }
>>>     CID 1343638:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
>>>     Calling "~SvXMLMetaDocumentContext" frees pointer "this->mpRewindMap" which has already been freed.
235     SdXMLFlatDocContext_Impl::~SdXMLFlatDocContext_Impl() { }
237     SvXMLImportContext *SdXMLFlatDocContext_Impl::CreateChildContext(
238         sal_uInt16 i_nPrefix, const OUString& i_rLocalName,
239         const uno::Reference<xml::sax::XAttributeList>& i_xAttrList)
240     {

** CID 1343637:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)

*** CID 1343637:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
/starmath/source/mathmlimport.cxx: 1816 in SmXMLFlatDocContext_Impl::~SmXMLFlatDocContext_Impl()()
1810             i_xDocProps)
1811     {
1812     }
1814     SmXMLFlatDocContext_Impl::~SmXMLFlatDocContext_Impl()
1815     {
>>>     CID 1343637:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
>>>     Calling "~SvXMLMetaDocumentContext" frees pointer "this->mpRewindMap" which has already been freed.
1816     }
1818     SvXMLImportContext *SmXMLFlatDocContext_Impl::CreateChildContext(
1819         sal_uInt16 i_nPrefix, const OUString& i_rLocalName,
1820         const uno::Reference<xml::sax::XAttributeList>& i_xAttrList)
1821     {

** CID 1343636:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
/vcl/opengl/texture.cxx: 95 in ImplOpenGLTexture::ImplOpenGLTexture(int, int, int, int)()

*** CID 1343636:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
/vcl/opengl/texture.cxx: 95 in ImplOpenGLTexture::ImplOpenGLTexture(int, int, int, int)()
89         glCopyTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, 0 );
90         CHECK_GL_ERROR();
91         glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
92         CHECK_GL_ERROR();
94         VCL_GL_INFO( "OpenGLTexture " << mnTexture << " " << nWidth << "x" << nHeight << " from x" << nX << ", y" << nY );
>>>     CID 1343636:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>>     Non-static class member "mbHasOptStencil" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
95     }
97     // texture from buffer data
98     ImplOpenGLTexture::ImplOpenGLTexture( int nWidth, int nHeight, int nFormat, int nType, void const * pData ) :
99         mnRefCount( 1 ),
100         mnTexture( 0 ),

** CID 1343635:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
/vcl/opengl/texture.cxx: 130 in ImplOpenGLTexture::ImplOpenGLTexture(int, int, int, int, const void *)()

*** CID 1343635:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
/vcl/opengl/texture.cxx: 130 in ImplOpenGLTexture::ImplOpenGLTexture(int, int, int, int, const void *)()
124         glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, mnWidth, mnHeight, 0, nFormat, nType, pData );
125         CHECK_GL_ERROR();
126         glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
127         CHECK_GL_ERROR();
129         VCL_GL_INFO( "OpenGLTexture " << mnTexture << " " << nWidth << "x" << nHeight << " from data" );
>>>     CID 1343635:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>>     Non-static class member "mbHasOptStencil" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
130     }
132     GLuint ImplOpenGLTexture::AddStencil()
133     {
134         assert( mnOptStencil == 0 );

** CID 1343634:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
/vcl/opengl/texture.cxx: 62 in ImplOpenGLTexture::ImplOpenGLTexture(int, int, bool)()

*** CID 1343634:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
/vcl/opengl/texture.cxx: 62 in ImplOpenGLTexture::ImplOpenGLTexture(int, int, bool)()
56             CHECK_GL_ERROR();
57         }
58         glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
59         CHECK_GL_ERROR();
61         VCL_GL_INFO( "OpenGLTexture " << mnTexture << " " << nWidth << "x" << nHeight << " allocate" );
>>>     CID 1343634:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>>     Non-static class member "mbHasOptStencil" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
62     }
64     // texture with content retrieved from FBO
65     ImplOpenGLTexture::ImplOpenGLTexture( int nX, int nY, int nWidth, int nHeight ) :
66         mnRefCount( 1 ),
67         mnTexture( 0 ),

** CID 1343633:  Resource leaks  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/libreofficekit/source/gtk/lokdocview.cxx: 2551 in lok_doc_view_set_part()

*** CID 1343633:  Resource leaks  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/libreofficekit/source/gtk/lokdocview.cxx: 2551 in lok_doc_view_set_part()
2545         LOKDocViewPrivate& priv = getPrivate(pDocView);
2546         GTask* task = g_task_new(pDocView, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
2547         LOEvent* pLOEvent = new LOEvent(LOK_SET_PART);
2548         GError* error = nullptr;
2550         if (!priv->m_pDocument)
>>>     CID 1343633:  Resource leaks  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
>>>     Variable "pLOEvent" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
2551             return;
2553         pLOEvent->m_nPart = nPart;
2554         g_task_set_task_data(task, pLOEvent, LOEvent::destroy);
2556         g_thread_pool_push(priv->lokThreadPool, g_object_ref(task), &error);

** CID 1343632:  Resource leaks  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/libreofficekit/source/gtk/lokdocview.cxx: 2587 in lok_doc_view_set_partmode()

*** CID 1343632:  Resource leaks  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/libreofficekit/source/gtk/lokdocview.cxx: 2587 in lok_doc_view_set_partmode()
2581         LOKDocViewPrivate& priv = getPrivate(pDocView);
2582         GTask* task = g_task_new(pDocView, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
2583         LOEvent* pLOEvent = new LOEvent(LOK_SET_PARTMODE);
2584         GError* error = nullptr;
2586         if (!priv->m_pDocument)
>>>     CID 1343632:  Resource leaks  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
>>>     Variable "pLOEvent" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
2587             return;
2589         pLOEvent->m_nPartMode = nPartMode;
2590         g_task_set_task_data(task, pLOEvent, LOEvent::destroy);
2592         g_thread_pool_push(priv->lokThreadPool, g_object_ref(task), &error);

** CID 1343631:  Resource leaks  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/libreofficekit/source/gtk/lokdocview.cxx: 2657 in lok_doc_view_set_edit()

*** CID 1343631:  Resource leaks  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/libreofficekit/source/gtk/lokdocview.cxx: 2657 in lok_doc_view_set_edit()
2651         LOKDocViewPrivate& priv = getPrivate(pDocView);
2652         GTask* task = g_task_new(pDocView, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
2653         LOEvent* pLOEvent = new LOEvent(LOK_SET_EDIT);
2654         GError* error = nullptr;
2656         if (!priv->m_pDocument)
>>>     CID 1343631:  Resource leaks  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
>>>     Variable "pLOEvent" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
2657             return;
2659         pLOEvent->m_bEdit = bEdit;
2660         g_task_set_task_data(task, pLOEvent, LOEvent::destroy);
2662         g_thread_pool_push(priv->lokThreadPool, g_object_ref(task), &error);

** CID 1343630:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwppara.cxx: 294 in LwpPara::XFConvert(XFContentContainer *)()

*** CID 1343630:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwppara.cxx: 294 in LwpPara::XFConvert(XFContentContainer *)()
288             XFContentContainer* pListItem = AddBulletList(m_pXFContainer);
289             if (pListItem)
290             {
291                 pListItem->Add(pPara);
292             }
293         }
>>>     CID 1343630:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Comparing "this->m_pXFContainer" to null implies that "this->m_pXFContainer" might be null.
294         else if (m_pXFContainer)
295         {
296             LwpBulletStyleMgr* pBulletStyleMgr = this->GetBulletStyleMgr();
297             if (pBulletStyleMgr)
298             {
299                 pBulletStyleMgr->SetCurrentSilverBullet(LwpObjectID());

** CID 1343629:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 191 in LwpFribSection::SetDefaultAlphaIndex(XFIndex *)()

*** CID 1343629:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 191 in LwpFribSection::SetDefaultAlphaIndex(XFIndex *)()
186     void LwpFribSection::SetDefaultAlphaIndex(XFIndex * pXFIndex)
187     {
188         LwpFoundry* pFoundry = m_pPara->GetFoundry();
189         OUString styleName = pFoundry->FindActuralStyleName("Separator");
>>>     CID 1343629:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Assigning: "pIndexSection" = "dynamic_cast <LwpIndexSection *>(rtl::Reference<LwpObject>(this->m_Section.obj(VO_INVALID)).get())".
191         LwpIndexSection* pIndexSection = dynamic_cast<LwpIndexSection*>(m_Section.obj().get());
192         XFIndexTemplate * pTemplateSep = new XFIndexTemplate();
193         if (pIndexSection->IsFormatSeparator())
194         {
195             pXFIndex->SetSeparator(true);
196             pTemplateSep->AddEntry(enumXFIndexTemplateText,"");

** CID 1343628:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
/sc/source/ui/app/inputwin.cxx: 1638 in ScTextWnd::StopEditEngine(bool)()

*** CID 1343628:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
/sc/source/ui/app/inputwin.cxx: 1638 in ScTextWnd::StopEditEngine(bool)()
1632                 pHdl->InputChanged( pEditView, true );  // #i20282# InputChanged must know if called from modify handler
1633         }
1634     }
1636     void ScTextWnd::StopEditEngine( bool bAll )
1637     {
>>>     CID 1343628:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Comparing "this->pEditEngine" to null implies that "this->pEditEngine" might be null.
1638         if (pEditEngine)
1639             pEditEngine->SetNotifyHdl(Link<EENotify&, void>());
1641         if (pEditView)
1642         {
1643             if (!maAccTextDatas.empty())

** CID 1343627:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfrib.cxx: 260 in LwpFrib::RegisterStyle(LwpFoundry *)()

*** CID 1343627:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfrib.cxx: 260 in LwpFrib::RegisterStyle(LwpFoundry *)()
254         if (pNamedStyle)
255         {
256             if (m_pModifiers->FontID && pFoundry)
257             {
258                 pStyle = new XFTextStyle();
259                 *pStyle = *pNamedStyle;
>>>     CID 1343627:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Assigning: "pCharStyle" = "dynamic_cast <LwpCharacterStyle *>(rtl::Reference<LwpObject>(this->m_pModifiers->CharStyleID.obj(VO_INVALID)).get())".
260                 LwpCharacterStyle* pCharStyle = dynamic_cast<LwpCharacterStyle*>(m_pModifiers->CharStyleID.obj().get());
262                 pStyle->SetStyleName("");
263                 pFont = pFoundry->GetFontManger().CreateOverrideFont(pCharStyle->GetFinalFontID(),m_pModifiers->FontID);
264                 pStyle->SetFont(pFont);
265                 IXFStyleRet aNewStyle = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pStyle);

** CID 1343626:    (FORWARD_NULL)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 250 in LwpMasterPage::RegisterMasterPage(LwpFrib *)()
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 281 in LwpMasterPage::RegisterMasterPage(LwpFrib *)()
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 296 in LwpMasterPage::RegisterMasterPage(LwpFrib *)()

*** CID 1343626:    (FORWARD_NULL)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 250 in LwpMasterPage::RegisterMasterPage(LwpFrib *)()
244      */
245     bool LwpMasterPage::RegisterMasterPage(LwpFrib* pFrib)
246     {
247         //if there is no other frib after current frib, register master page in starting para of next page
248         if(IsNextPageType()&&(!pFrib->HasNextFrib()))
249         {
>>>     CID 1343626:    (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Assigning: "pStory" = "dynamic_cast <LwpStory *>(rtl::Reference<LwpObject>(this->m_pPara->GetStoryID()->obj(VO_INVALID)).get())".
250             LwpStory* pStory = dynamic_cast<LwpStory*>(m_pPara->GetStoryID().obj().get());
251             pStory->SetCurrentLayout(m_pLayout);
252             RegisterFillerPageStyle();
253             return false;
254         }
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 281 in LwpMasterPage::RegisterMasterPage(LwpFrib *)()
275                 break;
276             }
277             case LwpLayout::StartOnNextPage://fall through
278             case LwpLayout::StartOnOddPage: //fall through
279             case LwpLayout::StartOnEvenPage:
280             {
>>>     CID 1343626:    (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Assigning: "pStory" = "dynamic_cast <LwpStory *>(rtl::Reference<LwpObject>(this->m_pPara->GetStoryID()->obj(VO_INVALID)).get())".
281                 LwpStory* pStory = dynamic_cast<LwpStory*>(m_pPara->GetStoryID().obj().get());
282                 pStory->SetCurrentLayout(m_pLayout);
283                 //get odd page layout when the current pagelayout is mirror
284                 m_pLayout = pStory->GetCurrentLayout();
285                 m_bNewSection = IsNeedSection();
286                 //bSectionColumns = m_bNewSection;
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 296 in LwpMasterPage::RegisterMasterPage(LwpFrib *)()
290             }
291             default:
292                 break;
293         }
295         //register tab style;
>>>     CID 1343626:    (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Assigning: "pStory" = "dynamic_cast <LwpStory *>(rtl::Reference<LwpObject>(this->m_pPara->GetStoryID()->obj(VO_INVALID)).get())".
296         LwpStory* pStory = dynamic_cast<LwpStory*>(m_pPara->GetStoryID().obj().get());
297         pStory->SetTabLayout(m_pLayout);
298         m_pPara->RegisterTabStyle(pOverStyle);
300         XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager();
301         m_StyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pOverStyle).m_pStyle->GetStyleName();

** CID 1343625:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 339 in LwpMasterPage::IsNeedSection()()

*** CID 1343625:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 339 in LwpMasterPage::IsNeedSection()()
333      *
334      */
335     bool LwpMasterPage::IsNeedSection()
336     {
337         bool bNewSection = false;
338         //get story
>>>     CID 1343625:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Assigning: "pStory" = "dynamic_cast <LwpStory *>(rtl::Reference<LwpObject>(this->m_pPara->GetStoryID()->obj(VO_INVALID)).get())".
339         LwpStory* pStory = dynamic_cast<LwpStory*>(m_pPara->GetStoryID().obj().get());
340         //if pagelayout is modified, register the pagelayout
341         if(pStory->IsPMModified())
342         {
343             bNewSection = pStory->IsNeedSection();
344         }

** CID 1343624:    (FORWARD_NULL)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 387 in LwpMasterPage::ParseSection(LwpFrib *)()
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 402 in LwpMasterPage::ParseSection(LwpFrib *)()

*** CID 1343624:    (FORWARD_NULL)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 387 in LwpMasterPage::ParseSection(LwpFrib *)()
381             m_pLayout->ConvertFillerPageText(m_pPara->GetXFContainer());
382         }
383         //create a new section and add it to container
384         XFContentContainer* pContent = CreateXFSection();
385         if(pContent)
386         {
>>>     CID 1343624:    (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Assigning: "pStory" = "dynamic_cast <LwpStory *>(rtl::Reference<LwpObject>(this->m_pPara->GetStoryID()->obj(VO_INVALID)).get())".
387             LwpStory* pStory = dynamic_cast<LwpStory*> ( m_pPara->GetStoryID().obj().get() );
388             //delete the additional blank para
389             XFParagraph* pCurrPara = rFribPtr.GetXFPara();
390             if(!pCurrPara->HasContents())
391             {
392                 XFContentContainer* pCurrContainer = m_pPara->GetXFContainer();
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpfribsection.cxx: 402 in LwpMasterPage::ParseSection(LwpFrib *)()
396                 }
397             }
398             pStory->AddXFContent( pContent );
399         }
400         else
401         {
>>>     CID 1343624:    (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Assigning: "pStory" = "dynamic_cast <LwpStory *>(rtl::Reference<LwpObject>(this->m_pPara->GetStoryID()->obj(VO_INVALID)).get())".
402             LwpStory* pStory = dynamic_cast<LwpStory*> ( m_pPara->GetStoryID().obj().get() );
403             pContent = pStory->GetXFContent();
404         }
405         if(pContent)
406         {
407             m_pPara->SetXFContainer( pContent );

** CID 1343623:  Control flow issues  (DEADCODE)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/xfilter/xfcell.cxx: 104 in XFCell::Add(XFContent *)()

*** CID 1343623:  Control flow issues  (DEADCODE)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/xfilter/xfcell.cxx: 104 in XFCell::Add(XFContent *)()
98             throw std::runtime_error("no content");
99         }
100         if( pContent->GetContentType() == enumXFContentTable )
101         {
102             XFTable *pTable = static_cast<XFTable*>(pContent);
103             if( !pTable )
>>>     CID 1343623:  Control flow issues  (DEADCODE)
>>>     Execution cannot reach this statement: "return;".
104                 return;
105             //the sub table will fill all the cell, there can't be other contents.
106             pTable->SetOwnerCell(this);
107             m_pSubTable = pTable;
108         }
109         else if( pContent->GetContentType() == enumXFContentText )

** CID 1343622:  Control flow issues  (DEADCODE)
/filter/source/svg/svgreader.cxx: 181 in svgi::<unnamed>::AnnotatingVisitor::operator ()(const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::xml::dom::XElement> &)()

*** CID 1343622:  Control flow issues  (DEADCODE)
/filter/source/svg/svgreader.cxx: 181 in svgi::<unnamed>::AnnotatingVisitor::operator ()(const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::xml::dom::XElement> &)()
175         void operator()( const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement>& xElem)
176         {
177             const sal_Int32 nTagId(getTokenId(xElem->getTagName()));
178             if (nTagId != XML_TEXT || nTagId != XML_TSPAN)
179                 return;
>>>     CID 1343622:  Control flow issues  (DEADCODE)
>>>     Execution cannot reach this statement: "(this->maCurrState) = (this...".
181             maCurrState = maParentStates.back();
182             maCurrState.maTransform.identity();
183             maCurrState.maViewBox.reset();
184             // if necessary, serialize to automatic-style section
185             writeStyle(xElem,nTagId);
186         }

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