Error in autoconfig on OSX-- cannot find JUnit 4

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at
Mon Dec 28 09:26:22 PST 2015

On 12/26/2015 10:08 AM, Srishti Khatri wrote:
> I know this issue has been raised previously, but I can't seem to derive
> much help from the previous thread.
>     checking for JUnit 4... configure: error: cannot find JUnit 4 jar;
>     please install one in the default location (/usr/share/java)
> ​Thing is, I installed junit-4.12.jar in /usr/share/java, alongside​
> ​hamcrest-core-1.3.jar​.

If you look into lines 11998 and following, it looks (among 
other things) for a junit.jar or junit4.jar in /usr/share/java, but not 
for a junit-4.12.jar.

So either rename /usr/share/java/junit-4.12.jar to 
/usr/share/java/junit4.jar, or put 
--with-junit=/usr/share/java/junit-4.12.jar into your autogen.input.

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