Installing a virtual env around LO Python

Jens Tröger jens.troeger at
Wed Feb 18 20:49:27 PST 2015

Sorry for the incomplete links!

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 05:45:58AM +0100, Jens Tröger wrote:
> Hello,
> The question in this email arose from Stephan Bergman's answer to a
> stackoverflow thread:
> What is the proper and recommended way of building a Python virtual
> environment around the LO Python?  I'd like to ensure that uno is
> available and functioning, while at the same time I can install
> additional packages into the venv?
> Also, I just noticed that on Ubuntu (nor Gentoo) there isn't even a
> Python interpreter, in spite of installing the script provider package.
> On Mac, there is.
> There seem to be various ways of going about this, for example:
> Unfortunately, I didn't find that documented on the LO site.  Or did I
> miss something?  I'm somewhat unclear on this whole issue...
> Cheers :)
> Jens

Jens Tröger

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