Easy Hacks (ProposedEasyHacks)

Joel Madero jmadero.dev at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 14:20:25 PST 2015

Just poking the list again to point out that we have >130 potential easy
hacks that are awaiting some code pointers to become actual easy hacks.
I think that these would be great to move forward to encourage more "new
blood" :)


Any dev who has some time to poke and either say they aren't easy hacks
or provide some code pointers and switch them over to easy hacks so they
show up on the wiki and we can point new people to the list.

Thanks in advance.


P.S. If anyone has suggestions on how we can streamline the process, QA
is more than happy to accommodate suggestions/opinions on how to move
things forward faster and more efficiently :)

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