Approximating a missing platform with gerrit

Norbert Thiebaud nthiebaud at
Fri Jul 17 00:17:06 PDT 2015

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 2:26 AM, Stephan Bergmann <sbergman at> wrote:
> * Sometimes, a build fails for spurious reasons midway through, and you need
> to start another build.  But the only way to re-trigger a build is to rebase
> the change.

This is a way to get an automatic trigger.. but it _is_ possible to
manually re-trigger a build within jenkins, without rebasing.
It is just not something generally available, but something that I use
to try to re-mediate infra issues where a bunch of build got drop on
the floor due to some outage.

It should be possible to have a parametrize manual build available
where one can specify a ref to build and a platform to build...
I suppose that _could_ be tied in with David's proposal to work on a
gerrit plugin for that... The plug in would just be triggering a
jenkins job using rest or some other mechanism


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