Have serf layer in webdav built again: need new lib vers in d-www
Giuseppe Castagno
giuseppe.castagno at acca-esse.eu
Mon Jul 27 07:02:41 PDT 2015
Hi all,
trying to have the switch --with-webdav=serf working, by building serf
in place of neon.
Currently it doesn't work.
What I'd like to do at the same time is to upgrade the external library
used to the latest stable version:
apr [1] to 1.5.2
apr-util [1] to 1.5.4
serf [2] to 1.3.8
Modifying download.lst is not enough, since they are downloaded from
I need someone add them to the dev-www repository; without removing the
old one, of course :-).
The reason for the upgrade before anything else stems from the fact that
serf version 1.2.1 doesn't support Windows authentication, normally
needed when you login to SharePoint or to another WebDAV server
requiring it.
Serf version 1.3.8 does have Windows authentication, but in this
installment suffers a problem of memory deallocation when closing the
application, that should be investigated, so it's better if apr is
upgraded since the memory allocation is carried out by apr.
Kind Regards,
Giuseppe Castagno aka beppec56
Acca Esse http://www.acca-esse.eu
giuseppe.castagno at acca-esse.eu
[1] https://apr.apache.org/
[2] https://code.google.com/p/serf/
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