test infrastructure ideas appreciated ...

Noel Grandin noelgrandin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 07:14:10 PDT 2015

On 2015-06-03 03:33 PM, Michael Meeks wrote:
> 	The ESC are interested in improving unit (and other automated) testing
> and are interested in concrete ideas for implementing new automated
> tests to prevent regressions.


mjayfrancis(IRC) is doing some interesting automated-UI testing work using the UNO accessibility API - perhaps get him 
on contract to finish it up and make it nice?

Perhaps a contract to convert the Java unit tests to C++?

Perhaps hand out some SSD's to our top QA people (and any other developers that need them, but I think most of them 
already have one), should speed up their workflow a little.

Regards, Noel

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