On styles lost during overflowing text transfer - warnings of Draw

Matteo Campanelli matteo.campanelli at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 00:13:15 PDT 2015

Hi there,

as I mentioned in the past, the current implementation seems to lose styles
here and there when transferring text.
Could this be related to some warnings I'm getting during the execution of
Draw? If not what are these anyway?
Here I'm pasting some:

warn:legacy.osl:13760:1:svl/source/items/style.cxx:458: Incorrect index
warn:legacy.osl:13760:1:xmloff/source/core/xmlerror.cxx:184: An error or a
warning has occurred during XML import/export!
Error-Id: 0x10040004
    Flags: 1 WARNING
    Class: 4 API
    Number: 4
    Public Identifier: [FILENAME]
    System Identifier: [FILENAME]
    Row, Column: 231,1

SfxUndoManager::ClearRedo: suspicious call - do you really wish to clear
the current level?

warn:basic.sbx:13760:1:basic/source/sbx/sbxvar.cxx:423: dangling:
warn:basic.sbx:13760:1:basic/source/sbx/sbxvar.cxx:423: dangling:

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