LO 4.4 build fails

Jean-Baptiste Faure jbfaure at libreoffice.org
Fri May 1 00:27:02 PDT 2015


it seems that the last commit for LO 4.4 branch [1] breaks the build.
I get the following error message, even with a complete rebuild :

> : ROOTMODULEGID=gid_Module_Root
> : LCPRODUCTNAME=libreoffice
> : 
> : 
> : 
> : Setting Root Module: gid_Module_Root
> : Error: "gid_File_Share_Config_Sofficecfg_uiconfig_scanner_Lang" is multi lingual, but not in language pack (Assigned module: gid_Module_Root)!
> : 
> : *****************************************************************
> : ERROR: ERROR: Incorrect assignments for language packs. at [...]/LibO/lo44/solenv/bin/modules/installer/scriptitems.pm line 2068.
> : *****************************************************************
> [...]/LibO/lo44/instsetoo_native/CustomTarget_install.mk:97: recipe for target '[...]/LibO/lo44/workdir/CustomTarget/instsetoo_native/install/install.phony' failed
> make[1]: *** [[...]/LibO/lo44/workdir/CustomTarget/instsetoo_native/install/install.phony] Error 1
> Makefile:237: recipe for target 'build' failed
> make: *** [build] Error 2


Best regards.
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