Android Build Error on Linux (openSuSE)

Andreas Mantke maand at
Tue May 5 09:52:34 PDT 2015

Hi Miklos,

thanks for your hints.

Am 04.05.2015 um 10:49 schrieb Miklos Vajna:
> Hi Andreas,
> (...)
> Hmm, ideally none of these switches should cause a problem, but just in
> case, can you try './' with 'autogen.input' having just:
> --enable-werror
> --with-android-sdk=/home/andi/Android/Sdk
> --with-android-ndk=/home/andi/android_development/android-ndk-r10d
> --with-distro=LibreOfficeAndroid
> and nothing else?
I run the buildout with that configuration only, but with no success.

The messages seemed to be the same as before (I copied a bit more of the

[build ALL] All modules but instset: UnoControls accessibility
animations apple_remote avmedia basctl basebmp basegfx basic bean
binaryurp bridges canvas chart2 cli_ure comphelper configmgr
connectivity cppcanvas cppu cppuhelper cpputools cui dbaccess desktop
drawinglayer dtrans editeng embeddedobj embedserv eventattacher
extensions external accessories beanshell boost clucene coinmp curl
expat fontconfig freetype glew glm harfbuzz hsqldb hunspell hyphen icu
jpeg lcms2 libabw libcdr libcmis libebook libetonyek libexttextcat
libfreehand libmspub libmwaw libodfgen liborcus libpagemaker libpng
librevenge libvisio libwpd libwpg libwps libxml2 libxmlsec libxslt mdds
more_fonts mythes nss openssl redland rhino ucpp vigra extras filter
forms formula framework hwpfilter i18nlangtag i18npool i18nutil idl io
javaunohelper jurt jvmaccess jvmfwk librelogo libreofficekit
lingucomponent linguistic lotuswordpro o3tl offapi officecfg oovbaapi
oox package postprocess readlicense_oo registry remotebridges
reportbuilder reportdesign ridljar rsc sal salhelper sax sc scaddins
sccomp scripting sd sdext sfx2 shell slideshow smoketest solenv soltools
sot starmath stoc store svgio svl svtools svx sw swext sysui test
testtools toolkit tools tubes ucb ucbhelper udkapi unodevtools unoidl
unoil unotest unotools unoxml ure uui vbahelper vcl winaccessibility
wizards writerfilter writerperfect xmerge xmloff xmlreader xmlscript
[build MAK] CustomTarget/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/done
cp: der Aufruf von stat für
„/home/andi/Android/Sdk/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/*“ ist nicht
möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
../../Bootstrap/Makefile.shared:56: die Regel für Ziel
„prepare-appcompat“ scheiterte
make[2]: *** [prepare-appcompat] Fehler 1
make[2]: *** Es wird auf noch nicht beendete Prozesse gewartet...
Skipping UI files
removed org.openoffice.Office/Addons - saving 4296
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 860
removed org.openoffice.Office/TableWizard - saving 1123
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BaseWindowState - saving 359
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BasicIDECommands - saving 457
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BasicIDEWindowState - saving 363
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BibliographyCommands - saving 461
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BibliographyWindowState - saving 367
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/Category - saving 310
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/ChartCommands - saving 454
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/ChartWindowState - saving 360
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/Controller - saving 697
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbBrowserWindowState - saving 364
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbQueryWindowState - saving 362
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbRelationWindowState - saving 365
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbTableDataWindowState - saving 366
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbTableWindowState - saving 362
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbuCommands - saving 452
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DrawImpressCommands - saving 460
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GenericCategories - saving 357
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GenericCommands - saving 456
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GlobalSettings - saving 515
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/Sidebar - saving 2198
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/StartModuleCommands - saving 460
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/StartModuleWindowState - saving 366
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/WindowContentFactories - saving 566
removed org.openoffice.Office/WebWizard - saving 5200
removed org.openoffice.Office/TableWizard - saving 175291
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BaseWindowState - saving 2547
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BasicIDECommands - saving 2153
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BasicIDEWindowState - saving 3783
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BibliographyCommands - saving 1636
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/ChartCommands - saving 20305
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/ChartWindowState - saving 3738
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/Controller - saving 13158
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbBrowserWindowState - saving 681
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbQueryWindowState - saving 1620
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbRelationWindowState - saving 689
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbTableDataWindowState - saving 683
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbTableWindowState - saving 686
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbuCommands - saving 15803
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DrawImpressCommands - saving 57083
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GenericCategories - saving 3671
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GenericCommands - saving 167418
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/Sidebar - saving 31310
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/StartModuleCommands - saving 5323
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/StartModuleWindowState - saving 542
removed org.openoffice.Office/WebWizard - saving 29338
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 1941
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 2379
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 6084
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 4070
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 1427
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 5386
saved 581701 of 1397156 bytes: 42%
removed org.openoffice.Office/Addons - saving 124
removed org.openoffice.Office/WebWizard - saving 127
removed org.openoffice.Office/TableWizard - saving 129
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/ChartCommands - saving 134
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/StartModuleCommands - saving 140
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BasicIDEWindowState - saving 140
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbTableDataWindowState - saving 143
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BaseWindowState - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbRelationWindowState - saving 142
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/Sidebar - saving 128
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GenericCategories - saving 138
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DrawImpressCommands - saving 140
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/StartModuleWindowState - saving 143
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbTableWindowState - saving 139
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbuCommands - saving 132
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/ChartWindowState - saving 137
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BasicIDECommands - saving 137
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BibliographyCommands - saving 141
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbQueryWindowState - saving 139
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbBrowserWindowState - saving 141
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GenericCommands - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
saved 3818 of 7422 bytes: 51%
die Regel für Ziel
make[1]: ***
Fehler 2
Makefile:247: die Regel für Ziel „build“ scheiterte
make: *** [build] Fehler 2

> If the above does not help, try 'LC_ALL=C make android verbose=t', that
> should show what commands are executed, so that we see exactly what
> fails.
I run your recommend command in the same shell where the make failed (no
make clean before).

LC_ALL=C make android verbose=t
cd /home/andi/libreoffice/gerritgit/androiddevelopment/android && make 
-j 4 -r
make[1]: Entering directory
[build MAK] CustomTarget/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/done
&& make all
make[2]: Entering directory
[build LOC] top level modules: android
[build LOC] loaded modules: android
mkdir -p assets/lib assets/program/services assets/gz.unpack/program
mkdir ../../Bootstrap/../AppCompat-v7 2>/dev/null; true
gzip -9
mkdir -p libs/armeabi-v7a
echo sdk.dir=/home/andi/Android/Sdk >
-o libs/armeabi-v7a/
cp -rf /home/andi/Android/Sdk/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/*
echo sdk.dir=/home/andi/Android/Sdk >../../Bootstrap/
echo "# File needed by ndk-gdb" >jni/
cp: echo "APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a" > jni/
cannot stat
'/home/andi/Android/Sdk/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/*': No such
file or directory
../../Bootstrap/Makefile.shared:56: recipe for target
'prepare-appcompat' failed
make[2]: *** [prepare-appcompat] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
echo "APP_PLATFORM := android-21" >> jni/
gzip -9
gzip -9
for F in program/services/services program/services; do \
        sed -e
>assets/$F.rdb; \
#to keep some symbols, eg.:
-o libs/armeabi-v7a/
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/ -w -K 'Java*'
rm -Rf assets/share # pre-clean it
mkdir -p assets/share/config
cp -R
cp -R
if ! test zTRUE = zTRUE; then \
        echo "Copying UI files into the apk"; \
        cp -R
assets/share/config; \
else \
        echo "Skipping UI files"; \
        mkdir -p assets/share/config/soffice.cfg; \
        echo > assets/share/config/soffice.cfg/empty; \
        for F in main.xcd res/registry_en-US.xcd; do \
assets/share/registry/$F assets/share/registry/$ && mv
assets/share/registry/$ assets/share/registry/$F; \
        done; \
Skipping UI files
removed org.openoffice.Office/Addons - saving 4296
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 860
removed org.openoffice.Office/TableWizard - saving 1123
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BaseWindowState - saving 359
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BasicIDECommands - saving 457
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BasicIDEWindowState - saving 363
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BibliographyCommands - saving 461
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BibliographyWindowState - saving 367
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/Category - saving 310
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/ChartCommands - saving 454
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/ChartWindowState - saving 360
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/Controller - saving 697
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbBrowserWindowState - saving 364
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbQueryWindowState - saving 362
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbRelationWindowState - saving 365
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbTableDataWindowState - saving 366
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbTableWindowState - saving 362
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbuCommands - saving 452
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DrawImpressCommands - saving 460
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GenericCategories - saving 357
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GenericCommands - saving 456
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GlobalSettings - saving 515
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/Sidebar - saving 2198
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/StartModuleCommands - saving 460
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/StartModuleWindowState - saving 366
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/WindowContentFactories - saving 566
removed org.openoffice.Office/WebWizard - saving 5200
removed org.openoffice.Office/TableWizard - saving 175291
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BaseWindowState - saving 2547
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BasicIDECommands - saving 2153
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BasicIDEWindowState - saving 3783
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BibliographyCommands - saving 1636
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/ChartCommands - saving 20305
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/ChartWindowState - saving 3738
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/Controller - saving 13158
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbBrowserWindowState - saving 681
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbQueryWindowState - saving 1620
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbRelationWindowState - saving 689
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbTableDataWindowState - saving 683
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbTableWindowState - saving 686
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbuCommands - saving 15803
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DrawImpressCommands - saving 57083
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GenericCategories - saving 3671
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GenericCommands - saving 167418
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/Sidebar - saving 31310
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/StartModuleCommands - saving 5323
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/StartModuleWindowState - saving 542
removed org.openoffice.Office/WebWizard - saving 29338
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 1941
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 2379
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 6084
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 4070
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 1427
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 5386
saved 581701 of 1397156 bytes: 42%
removed org.openoffice.Office/Addons - saving 124
removed org.openoffice.Office/WebWizard - saving 127
removed org.openoffice.Office/TableWizard - saving 129
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/ChartCommands - saving 134
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/StartModuleCommands - saving 140
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BasicIDEWindowState - saving 140
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbTableDataWindowState - saving 143
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BaseWindowState - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbRelationWindowState - saving 142
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/Sidebar - saving 128
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GenericCategories - saving 138
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DrawImpressCommands - saving 140
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/StartModuleWindowState - saving 143
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbTableWindowState - saving 139
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbuCommands - saving 132
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/ChartWindowState - saving 137
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BasicIDECommands - saving 137
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/BibliographyCommands - saving 141
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbQueryWindowState - saving 139
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/DbBrowserWindowState - saving 141
removed org.openoffice.Office.UI/GenericCommands - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
removed org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/Drivers - saving 136
saved 3818 of 7422 bytes: 51%
mkdir -p assets/unpack/program
echo '[Bootstrap]' > assets/unpack/program/sofficerc
echo 'Logo=1' >> assets/unpack/program/sofficerc
echo 'NativeProgress=1' >> assets/unpack/program/sofficerc
echo 'URE_BOOTSTRAP=file:///assets/program/fundamentalrc' >>
echo 'HOME=$APP_DATA_DIR/cache' >> assets/unpack/program/sofficerc
echo '[Bootstrap]' > assets/program/fundamentalrc
echo 'LO_LIB_DIR=file://$APP_DATA_DIR/lib/' >> assets/program/fundamentalrc
echo 'BRAND_BASE_DIR=file:///assets' >> assets/program/fundamentalrc
echo 'CONFIGURATION_LAYERS=xcsxcu:${BRAND_BASE_DIR}/share/registry
res:${BRAND_BASE_DIR}/share/registry' >> assets/program/fundamentalrc
>> assets/program/fundamentalrc
echo '[Bootstrap]' > assets/program/unorc
echo 'URE_INTERNAL_LIB_DIR=file://$APP_DATA_DIR/lib/' >>
echo 'UNO_TYPES=file://$APP_DATA_DIR/program/udkapi.rdb
file://$APP_DATA_DIR/program/oovbaapi.rdb' >> assets/program/unorc
echo 'UNO_SERVICES=file:///assets/program/services.rdb
file:///assets/program/services/services.rdb' >> assets/program/unorc
echo '[Bootstrap]' > assets/program/bootstraprc
echo 'InstallMode=<installmode>' >> assets/program/bootstraprc
echo 'ProductKey=LibreOffice 5.0' >> assets/program/bootstraprc
echo 'UserInstallation=file://$APP_DATA_DIR' >> assets/program/bootstraprc
echo '[Version]' > assets/program/versionrc
echo 'AllLanguages=en-US' >> assets/program/versionrc
echo 'BuildVersion=' >> assets/program/versionrc
echo 'buildid=8fca0c44e8f21fa2ee1000665856292d5a1c44e9' >>
echo 'ReferenceOOoMajorMinor=4.1' >> assets/program/versionrc
sed -e 's|@ANDROID_DEBUGGABLE@||' \
    -e 's|@ANDROID_INSTALL_LOCATION@|preferExternal|' \
    -e 's|@ANDROID_VERSION_NAME@||' \
    -e 's|@ANDROID_VERSION_NUMBER@|1|' \
    < > AndroidManifest.xml
mkdir -p assets/program/resource
mkdir -p assets/unpack/etc/fonts
cp fonts.conf assets/unpack/etc/fonts
mkdir -p assets/gz.unpack/user/fonts
for F in
do \
        gzip -9 <$F >assets/gz.unpack/user/fonts/`basename $F`; \
mkdir -p libs/armeabi-v7a
echo set solib-search-path ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a
make[2]: Leaving directory
recipe for target
make[1]: ***
Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory
Makefile:104: recipe for target 'android' failed
make: *** [android] Error 2

------------------------------- End of the messages in the shell


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