minutes of ESC call ...

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at collabora.com
Thu May 21 08:19:31 PDT 2015

* Present:
    + Lionel, Norbert, Michael M., Stephan, Caolan, Tor, Laszlo, Miklos, Kendy,
      Andras, Sam, Bjoern, Thorsten, Muthu, Christian, Sophie, Cedric, Michael S,

* Completed Action Items:
    + review bin/rename-sw-abbreviations.sh (All writer-types)
        [ completed, and is the branch-off point for 5.0 ]
* Pending Action Items:
    + please forward numbers to Fridrich/Thorsten/Cedric (Thorsten, Kendy)
    + find some developer/sysadmin'y type people to train in CI maintenance (Cloph)
        [ no time scheduled; after the call ]
    + move problem writer tests from check -> subsequentcheck for sw.all (Michael S)
        [ pending wait for result of subsequentcheck enabling on Jenkins,
          been set on Linux build for some weeks,
          all working fine for some weeks (Norbert) ]
* GSoC (Cedric)
    + make sure students on-track; coding starts next monday ...
        + make sure students wake up Monday (or Tue. if a public holiday)
    + Nov 7th & 8th - Mentor summit ....
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 5.0.0 - Beta 0
         + branched off - tag created by Alex.
             + worked well
             + builds on pre-release server, announced
               early-testing & QA list
             + available for the bug-hunt this weekend.
          + Late Features:
             + LibreOfficeKit / Online tweaks (Michael)
                 + only bug-fixes so far; non-controversial (Kendy)
                     + in the unstable part of LibreOfficeKit
                     + in case it's a feature - ask for 3x approvals here
                     + only the #ifdef UNSTABLE_API ifdefs anyway 
                 + no concerns.
             + OpenGL / double-buffer RenderContext (Kendy/Quikee)
                 + available in 5.0 by default; widgets need annotating as to (Kendy)
                   whether they work for double buffering or not.
                     + would like to enable double buffering as it is fixed up
                     + improvements in non-flickering-ness.
                     + get non-controversial parts in & ask for wider review (Kendy)
                         + happy to review (Caolan)
                 + desire to get OpenGL working well for 5.0 @ Collabora (Michael)
                     + concerns wrt. a few rendering regressions (Markus)
                         + see how some widgets are created.
                         + have an idea how much work & how dangerous
                              + 2nd big VCL change in 5.0
                     + interested in the bugs (Kendy)
                         + Tomaz willing to fix that
                         + dialogs not updating so fast anymore; had a few where it can
                           be seen how they are created (Markus)
                     + could be Idle timer issues, or VclPtr, or OpenGL (Michael)
                         + concerned wrt. regressions in the release cycle (Markus)
                 + fixing VCL issues takes a while (Markus)
                     + double-buffer, guarded with a variable (Kendy)
                         + can disable it before the release if an issue
                         + can disable it per-class, etc.
                 + review in a week - see if we can fix the rendering.
             + gtk3+ theming, embedded video, cut/paste (Caolan)
                 + showing it off at the hack-fest
                 + some parts better than gtk2 theming; list buttons / boxes etc.
                 + focus frames - look better etc.
                 + gtk3 theming; they're still working on it inside gtk3
                     + ABI issues in gtk port
                     + missing cut/paste & embedded videos
                     + some temp-popup windows not working.
                     + incredibly isolated (Michael)
                         + some long stretch headless backend (Caolan)
                 + no concerns.
             + Windows 64 (Norbert)
                 + setting up a tinderbox but:
                     + OLE crashing in the basic tests. (VBATest::testMiscOLEStuff)
                     + basic build unit test failing
                     + only 1x big Amazon Windows build.
                 + would be lovely to see it working (Thorsten)
                     + are we blocking on CI ?
                     + my builds pass (Thorsten)
                         + nothing tweaked now/in in W2012r2 and VS 2013 (Norbert)
                             + same for Thorsten
                     + compare configure options (Thorsten, Norbert, Cloph)
AI:                      + firebird_sdbc disable by default in the config (Thorsten)
                         + remove the addressbook thunderbird / driver bits too
AI:                          + disable by default in favour of mork (Thorsten)
                         + people complain when Win64 bit tinderbox stops building too (Thorsten)
                             + its being tested
                 + release it - but by default offer 32bit build for download ? (Kendy)
                     + make it a bit lower profile for 5.0.0 (Thorsten)
                 + Cloph's machine also reproduces the testing failures.
             + change-tracking UI improvements @ hackfest (Kendy)
                 + will ask for review ...
             + text wrapping for chart labels (Marco)
                 + tests before committing important (Markus)
                 + ensure existing documents not regressing
                 + may not make it / not urgent; lets see. (Michael)
             + sw_16bit (Thorsten/Bubli)
                 + largely done
                 + nice to have some easy hacks done too
                 + in already on Monday before the freeze.
             + orcus with gnumeric import (Markus)
                 + would like to get the latest version in
                 + still poking at the Windows build there.
                 + improves it a lot; not just formulas, numbers, strings
                     + adds: formats and conditional formatting.
                 + no concerns.
    + 4.4.4 RC1
         + next week
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + patches in Gerrit, for wearable bits
        + plan to review this weekend.
* Can we kill gcc 4.6 for master after 5.0 (Stephan)
    + agreement was to keep it working until 5.0 (Thorsten)
        + no concerns beyond general skepticism of large change in 1st few months
    + switch gcc 4.6 tinderbox over to 5.0 branch ? (Stephan)
* non-pch build issue (Norbert)
    + seemingly we only build with pch these days
        + nice on tinderboxes, jenkins
    + non-pch; failed - stuff not in the right order etc.
        + do we need to support the flag for bit-rotted non-pch
    + no joy with ccache on Windows (Cloph)
        + ccache in general not working well by design (Kendy)
            + MSVC no split pre-processor so works just as fast.
    + make --enable-pch a dummy option for windows
    + same for ccache on windows.
    + add --best-effort to tinderboxen ? (Michael)
        + not that painful - do-not-use options etc. (Norbert)
    + problems in the future with Clang / compiler-plugins (Michael S)
        + coverity on Windows ? disable-pch un-tested by tinderboxes
          anyway, more theoretical.
        + do the fixing as/when we add coverity.
            + what happened with pch (Kendy)
                + Lubos resurrected pch, after a while.
* Merge incomplete multi-stop gradients ? (Thorsten)
    + not happy with merging it without an ODF filter
        + ideally commitment from committer
    + or get it in - in a disabled state to stop bit-rot. (Michael)
        + ie. not enabled in the filter.
    + type of UNO properties from plain to complex gradient (Miklos)
        + so many non-working issues.
    + adding things to VCL, canvas, meta-files, printing, PDF export (Thorsten)
       + meat of patch not so huge.
    + reviewed the filter part - no major concerns (Miklos)
       + type of UNO properties change; compat. apparently not considered.
    + hold off and ask for improvements.
* Crashtest update (Caolán)
    + 1x non-asan build since the last meeting
        + 1 input assert from 75k - writer, cross-reference bookmarks,
          range over which it's set in a red-line document.
        + a few export remaining, 1x new category fixed there
        + next build down in exports.
    + new Asan output (Markus)
        + 4-5 input crashers that didn't look like false positives
            + 1x in the transliterator / break-iterator seen in past.
        + UbSan is next ... and/or msan ... ~= memcheck
    + UbSan - doesn't work for 'make check' (Stephan)
        + regressed in last few weeks; a picky one - finds things too.
    + fixed the cross-reference import assert (Michael S)
        + a weird corner-case; only from binary word import.
        + in theory at zero import issues.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + Cambridge, UK - May 2015 (in-progress ~now Michael)
AI:     + take a pretty picture (Thorsten)
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Oct 23rd -> Oct 25th ...
            + 1x month after the conference
               + Fri/Sat/Sun ...
        + Belgium another candidate ...
* UX Update (Kendy)
    + meeting cancelled missing Kendy + Jay.
* l10n Update (Sophie)
    + Pootle tested now, and almost ready for production
        + pending Cloph's return from vacation.
        + translation for 5.0 going on already.
        + try it out at https://translations-test.documentfoundation.org/
    + project descriptions for Android Viewer being translated
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + in-person meeting to decided in Cambridge planned.
* Jenkins update (Norbert)
    from:Thu May 14 13:46:21 2015
    master linux rel jobs:211 ok:195 ko:15  fail ratio:7.1%   break:8  broken duration:2.87%
    master linux dbg jobs:141 ok:131 ko:10  fail ratio:7.09%  break:6  broken duration:3.57%
    master mac rel   jobs:173 ok:139 ko:34  fail ratio:19.65% break:9  broken duration:14.44%
    master mac dbg   jobs:183 ok:141 ko:42  fail ratio:22.95% break:10 broken duration:16%
    master win rel   jobs:103 ok:44  ko:59  fail ratio:57.28% break:7  broken duration:57.31%
    master win dbg   jobs:103 ok:49  ko:54  fail ratio:52.42% break:8  broken duration:49.62%
    lo-4.4 mac       jobs:8   ok:7   ko:1   fail ratio:12.49% break:1  broken duration:12.47%
    gerrit win rel   jobs:176 ok:74  ko:102 fail ratio:57.95%
    gerrit lin rel   jobs:177 ok:136 ko:41  fail ratio:23.16%
    gerrit mac rel   jobs:176 ok:133 ko:43  fail ratio:24.43%
    gerrit all       jobs:176 ok:65  ko:111 fail ratio:63.06%
    + Mea-Culpa - should have used CI etc. (Michael)
    + Windows broken ~50% of the time this week
    + already have a git repo, to setup a box easily; would like help.
        + 'lode' - run the script etc.
        + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/lode
    + CI linux builds with MALLOC_CHECK_=2 etc. (Michael)
AI:     + add to script wrapper for tinderboxes (Norbert / Michael)
AI:     + add ooenv bits for cppunittests (Michael)
* Easy Hacks:
    + new easy-hacks thanks to:
        + Bjoern Michaelsen
        + Markus Mohrhard
    + QA guys renamed all the whiteboard entries
        + they start with a lower-case now
AI:     + provide a new query for the minutes (Robinson)
        + avoid spamming the dev list for this at all costs.
    + http://bit.ly/1KR4HWX
    + create your own by setting whiteboard to eg.
            "easyHack difficultybeginner skillcpp topiccleanup"

* Reverting stuff (Kendy)
    + just a reminder - when you revert something, please don't
      forget to email the author
* QA (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED at 317
    + needAdvice at 13
    + Bugzilla:
        + Upgrades this weekend
    + BugHunting Session 5.0.0 starting tomorrow!
    + VclPtr tracker: 9 open out of 31
        + watching it carefully (Michael)
            + apparently everything is now my fault
            + same for Layout work (Caolan)
* QA stats:
  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +150    -148        (+2 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Jorendc               22
        Gordo                 21
        Beluga                14
        Adolfo Jayme          11
        raal                   7
        Michael Meeks          7
        Michael Stahl          6
        Joel Madero            5
        Timur                  5
        m.a.riosv              4
        Markus Mohrhard        4
        David Tardon           4
        Andras Timar           3
        Yousuf (Jay) Philips   3
        tommy27                2
* Open 5.0 MAB
  + 6/11 5/9 6/9 5/8 5/8 4/7 2/5 0/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 0/2 0/2 1/2 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1
  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=86696&hide_resolved=1
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 19/60 15/56 16/56 15/53 15/53 14/52 15/52 14/51 14/50 13/49 15/49 14/48
     31%   26%   28%   28%   28%   26%   28%   27%   28%   26%   30%   29%
  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=79641&hide_resolved=1
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 77/169 77/169 78/167 79/166 79/166 80/165 79/163 78/163 76/160 78/160
     45%    45%    46%    47%    47%    48%    48%    47%    47%    48%
  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=75025&hide_resolved=1
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 333/874 337/869 334/849 334/839 327/831 330/820 321/798 291/737
    + http://tdf.io/bibibugs
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 581(-9) bugs open of 3799(+17) total
    * ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 208 (-4)
                  Calc - 112 (-4)
               Crashes - 44  (-4)
               Impress - 43  (+2)
           LibreOffice - 40  (-1)
                    UI - 31  (+1)
                  Draw - 23  (+0)
        graphics stack - 22  (-1)
               Borders - 18  (+0)
                  Base - 18  (+0)
   filters and storage - 15  (-1)
                 Chart - 10  (+0)
 Printing / PDF export -  8  (+0)
                 BASIC -  5  (+0)
             framework -  4  (+0)
            Extensions -  4  (+0)
        Formula Editor -  4  (+0)
            Linguistic -  2  (+0)
                   sdk -  1  (+0)
          Installation -  1  (-1)
        Impress Remote -  0  (+0)

 michael.meeks at collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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