porting extension [java-netbeans] from OpenOffice to LibreOffice
John D'Orazio
john.dorazio at cappellaniauniroma3.org
Fri Sep 25 05:31:32 PDT 2015
Ok account created, and plugin uploaded 3 days ago (
http://extensions.libreoffice.org/extension-center/bibleget-i-o). Now
awaiting moderation.
On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 6:21 PM, John D'Orazio <
john.dorazio at cappellaniauniroma3.org> wrote:
> I'm trying to create an account on the extensions website... I'm figuring
> maybe everyone is busy for the conference, but when the admin of the
> extensions website gets a chance, I'm ready to upload my plugin...
> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 8:13 PM, John D'Orazio <
> john.dorazio at cappellaniauniroma3.org> wrote:
>> Just to follow up, I've gone over the process a couple times, refactoring
>> the copy-pastes, then double and triple checking that everything is in
>> place... and it seems that I now have it working. I guess I can soon
>> publish in the extensions website.
>> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 5:42 PM, John D'Orazio <
>> john.dorazio at cappellaniauniroma3.org> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone, I wrote and published an extension for OpenOffice in
>>> Java using the OpenOffice Netbeans plugin.
>>> Now I am trying to port it over to LibreOffice so I can publish it as an
>>> extension there too.
>>> At first I was getting some errors such as this:
>>> Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.VerifyError: Stack map
>>> does not match the one at exception handler 354 Exception Details:
>>> Location: io/bibleget/BibleGetJSON.JSONParse(Ljava/lang/String;)V
>>> @354: astore Reason: Type
>>> 'com/sun/star/lang/IllegalArgumentException' (current frame, stack[0]) is
>>> not assignable to 'com/sun/star/uno/Exception' (stack map, stack[0]) Current
>>> Frame: bci: @283 flags: { } locals: { 'io/biblege
>>> But I think I figured out what the problem there was, it's not enough to
>>> just change the context of the Netbeans plugin environment to LibreOffice 5
>>> and LibreOffice 5 SDK, it's also necessary to actually create a new
>>> OpenOffice plugin project after adjusting the context so that the right
>>> .jar files will be included in the libraries.
>>> However when I try to create a new OpenOffice project, after going
>>> through the wizard I am getting this error: "unknown entity
>>> com.sun.star.frame.ProtocolHandler"
>>> So I don't know if the project is being created correctly or not...
>>> I tried deleting all files in the project except the LibreOffice jar
>>> libraries, and copying over all the files from the OpenOffice project
>>> together with all other libraries that I am using (not OpenOffice jars).
>>> However when I "build and install in OpenOffice", it does install the
>>> extension to the extension manager and open LibreOffice, and I do see the
>>> addon menu with the menu items, but all of the menu items are greyed out.
>>> Does LibreOffice use a different .xcu format than OpenOffice? I'm
>>> guessing it's not liking something in the
>>> registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/Addons.xcu.
>>> --
>>> John R. D'Orazio
>> --
>> John R. D'Orazio
> --
> John R. D'Orazio
John R. D'Orazio
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