Broken master and newcomers.

Norbert Thiebaud nthiebaud at
Wed Apr 6 23:17:25 UTC 2016

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 6:14 PM, Anthonys Lists <antlists at> wrote:
> On 07/04/2016 00:08, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
>>> Imho, IF we do something like this, we should use the git facilities to
>>> >create a shallow clone backup, that people can then use ftp or rsync or
>>> > some
>>> >other interruptible protocol to download.
>> We have been doing that for years:
> That should then make this whole discussion moot then? Just modify the
> instructtions to warn newcomers that master *can* be broken, and if they
> want a known-good build to start with, go and get a bundle rather than using
> clone. Once thye've got a good build they can "git pull" and go from there.

the bundle is not guarantee to build anymore than a random master...

It is just that we regularly (in fact is a cron iirc) tar-gz core.git
and other repo, precisely for people that have trouble doing a git
clone on a big repo


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