minutes of ESC call ...

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at collabora.com
Thu Aug 4 16:13:26 UTC 2016

    + Jan-Marek, Michael M, Kendy, Miklos, Christian, Caolán, Robinson, jan i, Sophie,
      Bjoern, Heiko, Olivier, Eike, Michael S
* Completed Action Items:
    + re-work large-scale cosmetic change page proposal (Michael M)
       + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/LargeScaleChanges
* Pending Action Items:
    + poke at MSDN licenses (Michael)
        [ waiting for a response on new process, on holiday ? ]
    + investigate a cron job that queries & auto-merges (Norbert)
        [ the solution proposed by David - using his query & a JSON script
          to refine it - will work - needs a bit more python (Norbert) ]
    + tweak UI and get LiveConnect API key / build case for board (Christian)
    + attempt to re-build a recent gstreamer 1.0 / core spec file
      on our CentOS6 base (tdf#94508) (Christian)
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 5.1.5 and 5.2.0 released as final yesterday
    + 5.1.6 - in October
    + 5.2.1 RC1
        + due next week, tag Tuesday
        + RC2 2 week later
    + Android & iOS Remote
    + report wrt. performance regression in calc in 5.1.5 vs. 5.1.4 (Bjoern)
        + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101213
        + Linux issue, perhaps Idle related ?
        + not PPA only - TDF builds too, apparently only on old distros.
           + glib related problem ? (Michael)
* LibreOffice Conference in Brno (Kendy)
    + https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2016/04/08/libreoffice-brno-conference-call-for-paper/
    + need to start weeding out weaker papers (Kendy)
        + and accepting people's papers.
AI:     + Program committee to work on it (Kendy, Thorsten, Italo, Marina)
    + travelling to Brno -> fly to Prague / Vienna unlikely to go direct
      (BMI has a flight from Munich, others from London).
    + https://conference.libreoffice.org/2016/practical-info/general-planing/
    + Community-day -> no ESC, meet in the evening.
* Membership Committee plug (Michael)
    + Please send nominations and self-nominations via e-mail to
      elections at documentfoundation.org (which reaches the Board of
      Directors in private) and also (!) to
      board-discuss at documentfoundation.org (which is a public mailing
      list). We kindly ask nominees who would like to stand for
      elections to provide a statement of up to 75 words on their
      candidacy as continuous text (so no bullet lists or multiple
      paragraphs). In addition, please also provide your full name,
      e-mail address and your corporate affiliation, if any, and
      please announce that you will provide information on all future
      changes as soon as possible.
    + tooling uses git & is user-friendly for devs.
* Documentation (Olivier)
    + Added patch enhancing Classification (TSCP/BAF/BAILs) help page.
        + patch in gerrit.
    + Amend patch for Menu Help->Get Help Online.
        + infra will decide where to direct it
          → hub.libreoffice.org
    + reviewing the Calc guide vs. 4.x - needs lots of updating for 5
* GSoC 2016 (?)
    + Next deadline is August 23rd for final evaluation.
    + reminder - blogging at a minimum helps docs / QA teams etc.
* Adding Breeze, Sifr, and Tango originals to LibO git / gerrit (Heiko)
    + Breeze was started by Nitro at github
       + the originals were there
       + this repo was abandoned / retired https://plus.google.com/+NitruxInside/posts/SoxqbwVaPjN 
       + now somewhere else. https://github.com/apachelogger/plasma-next-icons
       + do we want to store it ?
    + Sifr, Tango added later by Jay
       + improved these icon sets
       - be ideal to host them in our repo.
    + for now - only the SVG (which we don't use)
    + missing piece is ? (Michael)
       + commit access for contributors (Heiko)
    + will TDF be the maintainers or just have a copy (Cloph)
    + how well does it fit with our naming ? (Michael)
       + its LibreOffice focused anyway (Heiko)
       + so no re-naming / etc. needed
    + why not just do it in core ? (Bjoern)
       + just add the SVGs to core.git (Heiko)
    + for Elementary this is already the case (Bjoern)
    => find out who needs commit access & enable them to do it.
AI: + find out who those people are (Heiko)
    + encourage them to commit only to icon-themes/ and add SVGs.
* Anonymous/low reputation upvoting on ask.libreoffice (Heiko)
  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101267
  + voting is not used because of the restrictive procedure (max v=11 at 7k views)
  + voting is just a minor additional cue to relevance, "spamming" would be white noise
  + get a better result if we give voting to more people ?
  + status on ask site is you need 5 karma points to up-vote (Cloph)
      + you gain 10 if your question is up-voted - so a very low bar
      + don't want spam questions to be up-voted before they use them.
  + just need to encourage people to vote (Cloph)
  => continue discussion with infra.
* UX Update (Heiko)
  + Published "How the Navigator may support object handling in LibreOffice Draw"
    + https://design.blog.documentfoundation.org/2016/07/31/how-the-navigator-may-support-object-handling-in-libreoffice-draw/
    + 1 retweet on twitter, 0 votes on reddit, +8 on G+, 0 comments
    + assuming people are happy with the conclusions.
  + Sidebar settings are stored in user profile
    + will cause problems on upgrading, as new content panel, e.g. page content panel in draw, wont be shown
    + same issue will happen for a few content panels being introduced in 5.3
    + creating new user profiles is not a great solution.
    => put it in a bug.
  + gerrit request for Breeze Dark (Kendy)
    + https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/27756/
    + a theme, generated from Breeze via re-colouring
    + Tomaz had a patch that did dynamic re-colouring on the fly.
       + would be better - saving a chunk of space.
       + no time to finish the patch.
          + 1Mb of space.
       + more worried about git repo than installation.
    => merge it until we can improve that - but not for all themes.
* Crashtest update (Caolan)
    + 1 import failure, 0 export failures, coverity pending
    + timeout problem, now fixed.
    + one import failure - same for 2-3 runs in a row
    + doesn't happen on a single file test - odd.
    + no more RTF issues for 36 hours of testing
    + plan to run coverity on TDF test infrastructure.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + next hackfests: nothing confirmed yet.
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Akademy / FSFE summit - in the week before LibOCon ? (Thorsten)
        + more suggestions welcome
* Mentoring/easyhack update (janI)
   + legend: contributors are not-yet-committers, numbers in () are +/- compared to last week
   + summary:
       16823(0) commits in a year of which 7894(-136) were made directly, without use of gerrit
       287(0) people made commits in a year, 64(-2) in a month. 12(10) people to be emailed
   + gerrit:   committer open  65(-9)      contributor open  70(23)
               updated merged    abandoned   updated  merged    abandoned
        year:   65(-9)  7364(99)  582(4)      70(23)   1565(37)  486(-3)
        month:  64(-9)   651(27)   33(-17)    70(23)    186(25)   36(2)
        week:   35(-5)   167(8)     8(-3)     40(18)     56(-9)    4(-3)
   + easyHacks:
        total 248(-2) open 215(-3) assigned 14(0)
        needinfo 19(1) needsDevEval 473(-3) needsUXEval 155(3)
        missing cleanup due to many comments 200(0)
   + top 5 contributors (based on merged patches last month):
         Zdenek Crhonek got 83 patches merged, and have a total of 166 merged patches
         Stanislav Horáček got 20 patches merged, and have a total of 79 merged patches
         Winfried Donkers got 14 patches merged, and have a total of 38 merged patches
         Susobhan Ghosh got 8 patches merged, and have a total of 20 merged patches
         Muhammet Kara got 6 patches merged, and have a total of 50 merged patches
   + new easyHacks:
   + create your own by updating Keywords to eg. "easyHack, difficultyBeginner, skillCpp, topicCleanup"
   + please remember, a codepointer is mandatory, and typically a look from an experienced developer
   + create new easy hacks from these ones or remove "needsDevEval" if not feasible):
   + Vacation time, contributor patches pending review grows fast
   + planned wiki upgrade (move to new vm)
   + Implementing/Testing Pootle automation.
     + Aim is that translations are available in master with a delay of a few hours
     + lots of small diffs rather than one big change.
     + concern with repo size (Miklos)
        + will it blow up ?
        + lets wait and see & re-filter it later ? (Michael)
        + need to gc on it more frequently (Cloph)
   + Updated release engineering tasks (Sharing with Cloph)
   + Based on the changed https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/LargeScaleChanges, EASYHACK with largescale changes, will
     have a comment added (and NEEDINFO, for the periods where unwanted), asking contributors, only to submit patches after agreement
     + This is done, to avoid demotivating contributors, who of course would like see their patch merged
     + 17 open patches and 14 Easyhacks that seems to fit the category
     + This clearly makes it more difficult to be a first time contributor, but maybe it will give more quality, time will tell
     + the concern is large scale cosmetic changes (Michael)
        + like German comments, need small changes to give a success (JanI)
           + agree - this is the purpose for this (Michael)
        + German comments == highly localized, non cosmetic change (Michael)
           + most people won't be able to do it, so a big win, not cosmetic (JMux)
        + would it help to have examples of large-scale cosmetic changes (Kendy)
           + and some examples that are acceptable.
        + twelve patches pending due to this (JanI)
        + the scale of this is the issue (Michael)
           + cosmetic changes are good - but when they become large we get problems
        + goal is to reduce merge conflicts (Bjoern)
           + if doing something good in a file anyway, will create a conflict
           + but painful if purely cosmetic change causes issues.
           + eg. indenting / automatically every 10th line in tons of files.
           + vs. a 30 line change.
        + biggest queued up one is 100 files (Mark Page)
           => reviewed, should definitely be done in the merge window (Kendy)
              + could split and merge parts of under-touched code if necessary
              + patch states generated by a script (JMux)
                 + no easy-hack number there.
           + if there is a script - awesome - run it before next branch (Michael)
AI:        + ask: can we get the script checked-in & queued up ? (JanI)
     + want to warn in the Easy Hack (JanI)
        + to let people see that these will be merged later
        + contributors submitting multiple contributions of this type get encouraged onwards.
           + already trying to encourage people to move to harder and more interesting patches.
     + don't think there is a clear bright line (Michael)
        + for a first patch, a localized cosmetic change or two is fine by me
        + in the grey area - its relational
     => close easy hacks like this for now, and open during merge window.
     + what do we do for very easy hacks ? (Michael)
        + mail people individually on request, encourage local cosmetic changes.
* Commit Access
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
     => timeout for 4 weeks.
* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
* l10n (Sophie)
    + looking great, doing QA on it currently.
    + people are aiming at 5.2.1 RC1 to have full localization
* QA update (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED: 675
        + flat from last-week.
        + no big 5.2.0 bug report up-tick
        + enhancements: 68
        + in ux-advise: 26
    + needAdvice at 60
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + tdf#92516 - "x" accelerator and mouse click not exiting StartCenter
          in "File -> Exit LibreOffice" menu on Windows.
            + Continue to see dupe reports; in 5.2
        + Mail merge regressions
            + http://tdf.io/mmregressions (3 open; 4 open last meeting)
            + thanks to Bjoern - nailed toolbar lifecycle issue.
            + will dig through open, non-regression MM bugs.
* writer regressions (Bjoern)
   + since 5.0 no fully triaged, bibisected regression in writer
   + if you remove filters & perf. issues down to 25 bibisected issues (of 125).
   + are perf. regression a big part of our load ? (Michael)
       + not sure if they are, but hard to bibisect.
           + particularly with dbgutil build bibisection ! (Miklos)
              + do we have repositories ?
                 + we have Windows + Mac, but not Linux. https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/admin/projects/?filter=bisect
       + filter issues are the main part
* QA stats
  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +120    -91        (+29 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Caolán McNamara       17
        Buovjaga              10
        Eike Rathke            7
        m.a.riosv              6
        Aron Budea             6
        Heiko Tietze           4
        V Stuart Foote         4
        Bartosz                4
        Adolfo Jayme           4
        Timur                  3
        Alex Thurgood          2
        Markus Mohrhard        2
        Cor Nouws              2
        jan iversen            2
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.2: 1/16   -  6%   +0
        5.1: 1/29   -  3%   -1
        5.0: 7/53   - 13%   +0
        4.4: 7/73   -  9%   +0
        4.3: 5/69   -  7%   +0
        4.2: 8/133  -  6%   +0
        4.1: 4/79   -  5%   +0
        4.0: 8/82   -  9%   -1
        old: 32/247 - 12%   -1
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 333/1383 340/1383 348/1382 353/1378 359/1378 362/1374 364/1371
    + http://tdf.io/bibibugs
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 688(-13) bugs open of 5066(+22) total 11(+0) high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc -  4 (+0)
                Writer -  4 (+0)
               Impress -  1 (+0)
                  Base -  1 (+0)
           LibreOffice -  1 (+0)
                + http://tdf.io/regressionscritical
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                Writer - 215 (-4)
                  Calc - 125 (-2)
               Impress -  52 (-3)
           LibreOffice -  44 (+0)
        graphics stack -  38 (+0)
                    UI -  34 (-3)
               Borders -  32 (+0)
                  Base -  31 (+0)
               Crashes -  30 (+0)
                  Draw -  27 (+0)
   filters and storage -  21 (+0)
                 Chart -  15 (+0)
Printing and PDF export-  11 (+0)
                 BASIC -  10 (+0)
            Linguistic -   4 (+0)
            Extensions -   3 (+0)
             framework -   3 (+0)
        Formula Editor -   3 (+0)
          Installation -   1 (+0)
                   sdk -   1 (+1)
                + http://tdf.io/allregressions

 michael.meeks at collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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