Allow extensions to provide color palettes

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at
Fri Dec 2 14:58:07 UTC 2016

On 11/30/2016 10:47 PM, toki wrote:
> a) Is this code .soc only, or does it also include the other things that
> live in /user/config ( .soh, .soh, .sod, .sog, .soh, .sob)?

Ah, right, e.g. instdir/share/palette/ is populated with more files than 
just .soc color palettes:

* .sob (zip containing .png, "bitmaps"?)
* .sod (XML, "dashes"?)
* .soe (XML, "line ends?")
* .sog (XML, "gradients"?)
* .soh (XML, "hatches"?)
* .sop (zip containing .png, "patterns"?)

Does anybody know an authoritative reference?

I'm not sure how the code accesses files in each such .so? category, and 
how users are supposed to make use of multiple files in a single 
category.  (For .soc color palettes, the user can switch them, at least 
in recent master, e.g. at Draw's "Format - Area... - Area - Color - 
Colors - Palette:"; for e.g. .soh hatches, there's nothing similar on 
Draw's "Format - Area... - Area - Hatch" page.)  Can anybody clarify?

> b) Will running Makefile on that repository source create an installable
> OXT file that works as expected: IE: drops my-pallete.soc in /user/config?

The resulting .oxt works as expected by making the "My Extension" 
palette available, but it does not drop any file into the 
UserInstallation's user/config/ directory.

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