Android: Gentle request for doxygen updates

Chris Sherlock chris.sherlock79 at
Fri Feb 5 12:06:12 UTC 2016

Hi all, 

When I run make docs over the android project, I’m getting a few doxygen errors:

chris at libreoffice-ia64:~/repos/libreoffice$ export INPUT_PROJECTS="android"
chris at libreoffice-ia64:~/repos/libreoffice$ make docs
cleaning up
generating doxygen docs
Calling /doxygen /home/chris/repos/libreoffice/solenv/inc/doxygen.cfg with
Input:      android/source 
Output:     /home/chris/repos/libreoffice/docs/android
Include:     /home/chris/repos/libreoffice/include    
Version:    master
Tagfile:    /home/chris/repos/libreoffice/docs/android/android.tags
Title:      LibreOffice Module android
/home/chris/repos/libreoffice/android/source/src/java/org/libreoffice/ warning: The following parameters of org.libreoffice.TileProvider.mouseButtonDown(PointF documentCoordinate, int numberOfClicks, float zoomFactor) are not documented:
  parameter 'zoomFactor'
/home/chris/repos/libreoffice/android/source/src/java/org/libreoffice/ warning: The following parameters of org.libreoffice.TileProvider.mouseButtonUp(PointF documentCoordinate, int numberOfClicks, float zoomFactor) are not documented:
  parameter 'zoomFactor'
/home/chris/repos/libreoffice/android/source/src/java/org/libreoffice/ warning: The following parameters of org.libreoffice.TileProvider.postUnoCommand(String command, String arguments) are not documented:
  parameter 'arguments'
/home/chris/repos/libreoffice/android/source/src/java/org/libreoffice/ warning: End of list marker found without any preceding list items
generating index page

I really appreciate all the hard work that the Android devs are doing, would it be possible for them to update these parameters? I’m sure it would be the word of a moment :-)


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