Unit test failure on building LibreOffice on Windows

Paul Blinzer pblinzer at gmail.com
Fri Feb 12 05:43:08 UTC 2016

Still working on getting a basic compile of LibreOffice on Windows working
(Linux version compilation goes smoothly).

Platfom: Windows 10 64bit, running Cygwin 32 LODE build setup to compile
libreoffice. Using VS2013 Community edition.
Default setup of build envrionment as outlined in
https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/BuildingOnWindows, virus
checkers disabled (as for the previous issue)

Synced up to git repo today (2/11/2016)
Stepped around the SSL test issue for now (disabling the test case)
Compilation went well until reaching unit test for the xmltesttools (see
below for output).

Checked email list archive and couldn't find any mention, so sending it out
(again). Also checked that Gerrit had no trouble building
Currently debugging the issue. Anything known already here?

Best Regards

[build CUT] sc_condformats
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 1
- Actual  : 0
- In <file:///C:/cygwin/tmp/lu43369mz57.tmp>, XPath
number of nodes is incorrect

C:/sources/libo-core/test/source/xmltesttools.cxx(70) : error : Assertion
Test name: SdExportTest::testBnc822341
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 1
- Actual  : 0
- In <file:///C:/cygwin/tmp/lu43369mz57.tmp>, XPath
number of nodes is incorrect

Failures !!!
Run: 47   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0

Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:
make CppunitTest_sd_export_tests CPPUNITTRACE=TRUE # which is a shortcut
for the following line
make CppunitTest_sd_export_tests
/debugexe" # for interactive debugging in Visual Studio
make CppunitTest_sd_export_tests CPPUNITTRACE="drmemory -free_max_frames
20" # for memory checking (install Dr.Memory first, and put it to your PATH)

C:/sources/libo-core/solenv/gbuild/CppunitTest.mk:90: recipe for target
'C:/sources/libo-core/workdir/CppunitTest/sd_export_tests.test' failed
make[1]: ***
[C:/sources/libo-core/workdir/CppunitTest/sd_export_tests.test] Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Makefile:249: recipe for target 'build' failed
make: *** [build] Error 2
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