Remove ActiveX from LibreOffice

Ashod Nakashian ashnakash at
Mon Jan 11 14:37:41 PST 2016

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 2:32 PM, Bryan Quigley <gquigs at> wrote:
> Anywhere else we should post this?
Ideally the note would show up unintrusively upon loading/using the ActiveX
itself. Unfortunately we can't show a message box or some such UI, in case
the ActiveX is used non-interactively (in which case it'd block forever,
becoming unusable).

So the next best thing to do is *include the note in the installation*,
which should be hard to miss if made prominent (unless automated in silent

This would get the attention of possibly the users, if not the developers
(who might not even test out new versions as they come out, and expect
things to work as before). Users can contact developers, I expect, or at
least plan accordingly. Regardless, all we want is to give advance warning
before the day someone installs a newer version and be met with the
surprise of missing ActiveX altogether.

The installation and release notes seem to be the most reasonable places,
if not upon using the ActiveX itself. Unless others have better ideas.
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