Eike Rathke
erack at
Tue Jan 12 05:00:10 PST 2016
Hi Rick,
On Friday, 2016-01-08 19:52:49 -0500, Rick C. Hodgin wrote:
> The category is called *"Metric."*
> When conveying fractional values, such that 1.2345E-08 (which is
> 0.000,000,012,345), it would do so in a metric-relative way using the
> standard milli (10^-3), micro (10^-6), nano (10^-9), pico (10^-12), and so
> on...
> In the example, the *Metric* display would cause the value to show up
> as "*12,345
> pu*" (pico-units) if the thousands separator was used.
Could you give some examples what you think how the format code actually
should look like?
> There would be an
> option to override the default "u" character in use, changing it into
> something that may have significance for the cell, such as "s" or "seconds"
> for seconds, "m" or "meters" for meters, and so on.
So, the unit itself would be a cell property, which replaces the generic "u"?
That sounds related to the feature branch Markus already mentioned.
> An ability to lock in a working range would also exist, such as *"show
> everything in nano-units"* so that everything is adjusted to that base. In
> such a case, the above example above would present as "*12.345 nu*" instead
> of in its default *pu*.
Where/how should that "lock-in" happen? By applying a different number
format to that range?
One main problem with inventing new format code features is, that they
don't survive an Excel roundtrip unless Excel has the same feature.
I guess it doesn't.
LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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