LibreOffice Writer - Disable "Save a copy" command at runtime via Java

Lucas da Cunha lucas.cunha at
Mon Jan 18 03:07:32 PST 2016

Hello there,

I'm trying to disable "Save a copy" command on LibreOffice Writer at runtime via Java but I cannot find which command is responsible for this action. My code is working fine for the commands "SaveAs", "SaveAll", "SaveAsTemplate", but none of them disables "Save a copy" command. Looking at the API reference<> I don't find anything about this command.

Framework/Article/ 3.x Commands - Apache ...<>
Command tables for 3.x. The following tables list all available commands that are accessible through the GUI. The command names are used with the ".uno ...

How can I disable "Save a copy" command in java?

Thanks in advance.

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