minutes of ESC call ...

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at collabora.com
Thu Jul 14 16:04:21 UTC 2016

* Present:
    + Stephan, Jan-Marek, Miklos, Heiko, JanI, Michael M, Norbert,
     Christian, Robinson, Armin, Eike, Bjoern, Kendy, Michael S
* Completed Action Items:
* Pending Action Items:
    + setup Mac machine for Base development (Cloph /Norbert)
        [ is a Mac there not used; but no access (Norbert)
          if knew the hostname, could check (Cloph)
              + not aware of any spare macs
AI:       + find the mystery Mac (from Markus) with Alex (Cloph) ]
    + investigate a cron job that queries & auto-merges (Norbert)
        [ the solution proposed by David - using his query & a JSON script
          to refine it - will work - needs a bit more python (Norbert) ]
    + tweak UI and get LiveConnect API key / build case for board (Christian)
    + attempt to re-build a recent gstreamer 1.0 / core spec file
      on our CentOS6 base (tdf#94508) (Christian)
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 5.1.5 RC1
        + synching to mirrors, early testing & QA list announce done.
        + will announce to the public early evening / tomorrow morning.
    + 5.2.0 RC3
        + due next Tuesday - 19th.
        + please review your patches & target branches v.s 5-2
    + Now: one review to -5-2 branch, and another two to:
        + libreoffice 5-2-0 branch
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + non-crashing builds - but bug in Android Viewer:
            + only shows top-left tile for Impress for render
                + but slide-show thumbnails not working
            + not pushed yet.
* When to push large-scale cosmetic changes? (Stephan)
    + e.g. <https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/26302/> "Remove the ::
      prefix in ::std for sd"
         + large-scale cleanup patch
    + Miklos had dug out an ESC resolution that we want such only
      between libreoffice-x.y.2 tagging and libreoffice-x-(y+1) branch-
        + i.e., next window between week 39 ("Release 5.2.2" at
          and week 47 ("Hard feature freezed & branched
          libreoffice-5-3" at
    + quite some time out.
    + postponed all these patches - which pile-up in gerrit
    + clarify if we want to go with this push window
    + how far away ? (Norbert)
        + eleven weeks away - week 39 (Norbert)
    + rule is to limit the aggravation back-porting (Norbert)
    + understand need to keep back-porting open (JanI)
        + patch lingering for months de-motivates people.
        + find a balance, 2 months or so
    + want to limit the amount of churn (Norbert)
        + not don't want them - but would like to postpone them.
    + a large cumulative effect (Michael)
        + wasted a lot of time in the past with code churn & back-porting.
    + is it an easy-hack, or own-initiative ? (Bjoern)
    + huge - but line for line (Kendy)
        + better than renaming, and splitting, etc.
        + ok with this one, but discourage this on a regular basis.
    + compromise suggested (Miklos)
        + merge what is in gerrit, but no more at this stage in release cycle.
    + how best to communicate the window ? (JanI)
        + somewhere in the release-plan / wiki ?
        + have a page in the wiki - can tell contributors.
        + the release plan is already there (Norbert)
            + ESC minutes are there.
AI:     + create proposal for page to point contributors at it (JanI)
            + after x.y.2 - things open up.
            + big bulk changes auto-created (Bjoern)
                + best to present scripts.
                + we want to do these in a certain window.
                + scripts don't need re-basing etc.
            + very big bulk changes - delayed just to before next big branch (Michael)
            + small, localised cosmetic changes ok as a 1st easy-hack (Michael)
    + useful to clarify it (Stephan)
* LibreOffice Conference in Brno - CfP open (Sophie)
    + https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2016/04/08/libreoffice-brno-conference-call-for-paper/
    + travelling to Brno -> fly to Prague / Vienna unlikely to go direct
      (BMI has a flight from Münich, others from London).
    + Dates here:
        + https://conference.libreoffice.org/2016/practical-info/general-planing/
    + Link is: <https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2016/04/08/libreoffice-brno-conference-call-for-paper/>
    + Deadline is -this-Friday- [!]
        + other colleagues want to speak, and already filed (Jmux)
        + filed some UX results / planning talks (Heiko)
        + joint workshop on UX / development interaction (Kendy / Heiko)
        + submitted mentoring & language tooling talk (JanI
        + <insert boring business talk> (Michael)
        + CI infrastructure update / lightning perhaps (Norbert)
        + pootle + translation workflow / feedback / glade bits (Christian)
        + silverstripe / website talk (Christian)
        + state of the infra -> state of project talk from Florian (?)
        + draw/impress geometric presentation (Armin)
        + lightening talks (Kendy)
        + a calc talk (Eike)
        + QA intro/train (Robinson)
        + bibisect bits (Bjoern)
        + writer UNO API / test de-tangling (?) (Bjoern)
        + David Tardon - live ! (David)
        + BOF on technical futures / craziness (Michael/Caolan/Thorsten)
    + Community-day -> no ESC, meet in the evening.
* Documentation (Cloph)
    + Olivier - on the road
    + synched on a re-work of the config
    + not necessary to change the format
    + off-line help would be a reduced version; that can reference enhanced
      content on the website
         + would contain references you can't see off-line.
         + eg. "related links" - more info at XYZ URL.
    + main problem is not having the content - but translating it.
* GSoC 2016 (Armin)
    + Nothing new.
    + Next deadline is August 23rd for final evaluation.
    + reminder - blogging at a minimum helps docs / QA teams etc.
* Suggested plan for OpenCL in Calc, going ahead #3 (Michael)
    + recent improvements:
            + help->about details implemented
            + S/W interpreter performance unit tests done
            + OpenCLZone - to disable CL if we crash "in the zone"
            + pre-qualify OpenCL driver on LibO / CL version change
              before using it for 'real work'
    + ongoing Calc maintenance
        + investing more here; driven by calc guys but plans are:
            + further CL / unit test improvements
            + tinderboxen to test AMD + Intel CL.
            + further MDDS corner-case / performance work & debuggability
            + continuing to cleanup formula & acceleration work
            + OpenCL kernel simplification
            + white & black-list improvements
            + add CL / version info to the crash report
            + nice to have experimental-mode button to test with &
              without CL and compare results (Eike)
    + proposal:
        + leave defaults as is; OpenCL on.
        + re-visit in six months.
        + commitment to pro-active fixing, ASAP if issues.
    + plan is good (Eike)
        + no objections to any details.
        + hope we catch the OpenCL errors.
    + crash is bad but wrong result is much worse. (Norbert)
        + catching the wrong results early (Michael)
    + like a patch handy in case it explodes (Bjoern)
        + trivial config setting in officecfg (Michael)
           + been on for several releases.
* UX Update (Heiko)
    + Finishing GSoC projects
      + Questions and discussion about area full style
      + Emoji toolbar added since template manager is finished
      + shapes got into the Impress Sidebar
      + Extended Toolbar (testing instructions
      To show the Notebookbar, go to Tools ▸ Customize... Click on the Add... button. 
      Under the View category there is a "Notebookbar" item. After adding it to the 
      toolbar/menu, you can switch the Notebookbar on/off.
        https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/NotebookBar )
           + play with it Tools->Customize->Add under 'View' category
               + add 'Notebookbar' 
    + Revamp of Draw layers/group access started some controversial discussion
      + Proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bbbjhMcbdbxPT3UQfaGDEhQ5vy2H1qu_a7b9ICeJ3Ck
        + additional discussion: http://www.mail-archive.com/design@global.libreoffice.org/msg07805.html
      + encourage people to come to the design session tomorrow
      + ODF layers are not related to z-order
        (and actually an orthogonal concept to groups) but users
        may expect it to be more of a true layer
      + please invite me there (Armin)
         + was always unhappy with the name 'layer'
         + just some Z-order independent additional grouping.
            + group tagged by layer name - can be on or off.
            + nothing to do with Z order; name is very poorly chosen.
            + not easy to add a layer concept
            + but nice feature of entering / leaving groups
* Crashtest update (missing Caolan)
    + 1 import failures, 0 export failure, coverity ?
    + coverity - still problematic.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + Hamburg Home-hacking setup (Bjoern)
        [ next week, Wednesday - Bjoern's place
            - all invited send him an E-mail
            - brain-storming on university engagement]
    + next hackfests: nothing confirmed yet.
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Chaos event - good for outreach; at the same time as Munich.
        + Infra Meetup: July 24th to 30th, close to Munich (kaufbeuren)
        + Akademy / FSFE summit - in the week before LibOCon ? (Thorsten)
        + more suggestions welcome
* Mentoring/easyhack update (janI)
   + legend: contributors are not-yet-committers, numbers in () are +/- compared to last week
   + summary:
       17045(0) commits in a year of which 8304(4) were made directly, without use of gerrit
       294(0) people made commits in a year, 57(-8) in a month. 58(7) people to be emailed
   + gerrit:   committer open  79(8)      contributor open  47(-4)
               updated merged     abandoned   updated  merged    abandoned
        year:   79(8)   7263(-23)  583(0)      47(-4)   1478(19)  470(-2)
        month:  78(7)    675(-54)   56(-2)     46(-5)    180(-4)   27(-5)
        week:   53(11)   166(29)     8(-15)    27(-7)     38(12)    3(-3)
   + easyHacks:
        total 249(0) open 216(3) assigned 15(-1)
        needinfo 17(-2) needsDevEval 471(-1) needsUXEval 143(-1)
        missing cleanup due to many comments 199(2)
   + top 5 contributors (based on merged patches last month):
         Zdenek Crhonek got 66 patches merged, and have a total of 92 merged patches
         Muhammet Kara got 22 patches merged, and have a total of 45 merged patches
         Winfried Donkers got 15 patches merged, and have a total of 36 merged patches
         Mark Page got 10 patches merged, and have a total of 20 merged patches
         Susobhan Ghosh got 9 patches merged, and have a total of 14 merged patches
   + new easyHacks:
       https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=100782 mentor:Katarina.Behrens -> "Have XPropertyList and its derivatives hold smart pointers"
   + create your own by updating Keywords to eg. "easyHack, difficultyBeginner, skillCpp, topicCleanup"
   + please remember, a codepointer is mandatory, and typically a look from an experienced developer
   + create new easy hacks from these ones or remove "needsDevEval" if not feasible):
   + lots of movement disruption.
* Commit Access
  + Jakub Trzebiatowski (Miklos)
      + GSOC student, doing well
AI:   + welcome and encourage to merge trivial changes (Miklos)
      + enabled (Norbert)
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
     => timeout for 7 weeks.
* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
    from:Thu Jul  7 13:48:08 2016
    master linux rel  jobs: 173 ok: 140 ko:  33 fail ratio: 19.08 % break:   9 broken duration:12.15%
    master linux dbg  jobs: 128 ok: 112 ko:  15 fail ratio: 11.72 % break:   5 broken duration:12.13%
    master mac rel    jobs: 169 ok: 161 ko:   8 fail ratio:  4.73 % break:   3 broken duration: 2.11%
    master mac dbg    jobs: 156 ok: 105 ko:  18 fail ratio: 11.54 % break:   3 broken duration:30.72%
    master win rel    jobs: 137 ok: 126 ko:  11 fail ratio:  8.03 % break:   5 broken duration: 2.38%
    master win dbg    jobs: 139 ok: 126 ko:  13 fail ratio:  9.35 % break:   5 broken duration: 4.17%
    master win64 dbg  jobs: 146 ok: 133 ko:  13 fail ratio:  8.90 % break:   4 broken duration: 3.50%
    lo-5.2 mac        jobs:  23 ok:  23 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 0.00%
    lo-5.1 mac        jobs:  16 ok:  16 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 0.00%
    + meant to break:
    gerrit win rel    jobs: 406 ok: 276 ko: 129 fail ratio:31.77%
    gerrit lin rel    jobs: 405 ok: 285 ko: 118 fail ratio:29.14%
    gerrit mac rel    jobs: 407 ok: 270 ko: 136 fail ratio:33.42%
    gerrit all        jobs: 407 ok: 229 ko: 175 fail ratio:43.00%
    + Mac tinderbox debug number
        - experimenting with the clang plugin
        - turned on 'make check' on Mac debug tinderbox
            + hangs in interesting ways.
        + a test in base that segvs - and everyone stalls & blocks.
    + similar dbaccess build failure ? (Bjoern)
        + seen in 5.2.0 rc2
        + seen them (Norbert)
            + a dozen tests running, not sure which is hanging.
        + Heisenbugs expected here.
* ICU library oddness (Norbert)
   + recent Mac - changed the prefix ___ replaced on install.
   + one that points to itself, doesn't get replaced.
   + has an issue with Firebird on build.
   + don't know how to test if ICU is really working for us.
   + which library (Eike)
       + there are three external ones (Norbert)
       + only way to change last _ was to use -id to replace the library id
* l10n (Sophie)
* Windows / tinderbox builds on dev-builds (Cloph)
    + latest windows - 2 days old, only one of these
    + distracted by release builds
    + currently building 5.2, next will be master.
    + CI win tinderbox builds - built it 30mins ago.
    + Kendy's on vacation - turned off - mending it ...
    + El-capitan update - can't provide regular Mac builds.
       + problem - Apple decided to enable S/W security.
       + nothing in /usr/bin, DYLIB_LIBRARY_PATH not working (ignored) etc. (Norbert)
          + enable-debug build works, but release does not.
* QA update (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED: 652
        + enhancements: 61
        + in ux-advise: 27
    + needAdvice at 56
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + tdf#92516 - "x" accelerator and mouse click not exiting StartCenter
          in "File -> Exit LibreOffice" menu on Windows.
            + Continue to see dupe reports; an annoyance
        + Mail merge regressions
            + http://tdf.io/mmregressions (6 open; 7 open last meeting)
            + Couple of Mac issues: will retest with master builds when available
* QA stats
  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +91    -96        (-5 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Caolán McNamara       19
        Winfried Donkers       8
        V Stuart Foote         6
        Samuel Mehrbrodt       6
        Aron Budea             6
        David Tardon           4
        Buovjaga               4
        Julien Nabet           3
        Laurent BP             3
        Eike Rathke            3
        Bartosz Kosiorek       3
        Cor Nouws              2
        Stanislav Horacek      2
        Joel Madero            2
        Markus Mohrhard        2
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.2: 2/16   - 12%   -2
        5.1: 2/29   -  6%   +0
        5.0: 7/53   - 13%   +0
        4.4: 7/73   -  9%   +0
        4.3: 5/69   -  7%   +0
        4.2: 8/133  -  6%   +0
        4.1: 4/79   -  5%   +0
        4.0: 10/82  - 12%   +0
        old: 34/248 - 13%   +0
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 353/1378 359/1378 362/1374 364/1371 367/1371 365/1363 369/1361
    + http://tdf.io/bibibugs
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 711(-13) bugs open of 5025(+10) total 11(-1) high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc -  4 (-1)
                Writer -  4 (+0)
               Impress -  1 (+0)
                  Base -  1 (+0)
           LibreOffice -  1 (+0)
                + http://tdf.io/regressionscritical
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                Writer - 222 (-3)
                  Calc - 133 (-5)
               Impress -  57 (-1)
           LibreOffice -  43 (-3)
        graphics stack -  38 (+0)
                    UI -  36 (+0)
               Borders -  32 (+0)
                  Base -  32 (+0)
               Crashes -  29 (+0)
                  Draw -  27 (+0)
   filters and storage -  22 (+0)
                 Chart -  15 (+0)
                 BASIC -  14 (+0)
Printing and PDF export-  11 (+0)
            Linguistic -   4 (+0)
            Extensions -   3 (+0)
             framework -   3 (+0)
        Formula Editor -   3 (-2)
          Installation -   1 (-2)
                + http://tdf.io/allregressions

 michael.meeks at collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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