confusing dr3d:lighting-mode

Armin Le Grand armin_le_grand at
Fri Jul 22 08:15:16 UTC 2016

Hi Regina,

yes, looks irritating. I took a look and it seems that the attribute is 
used in two different scenarios.

When used in 'style-graphic-properties-attlist' it is

                 <attribute name="dr3d:lighting-mode">

while in 'dr3d-scene-attlist' it is

                 <attribute name="dr3d:lighting-mode">
                     <ref name="boolean"/>

In the 1st case it is used as object attribute for each SdrObject (but 
only of use when it is a 3D object) and in the style hierarchy to define 
if double-sided lighting is applied. This is equivalent to the button in 
the 3D dialog (Tab 'GeometryÄ, Button 'Double-Sided'). Mostly useful for 
non-closed 3D objects.

In the 2nd case it is used for 3D Scene objects only and defines if 
lighting is applied at all to the whole scene. If applied, flat, phong 
or gourard is used, if not, the objects are rendered without lighting 
calculations in their FillStyle definitions. This is also in the 3D 
dialog, see Tab 'Textures' the 'Mode' switches.

Something must have run out of order though, the original 'Mode' was not 
a bool but had three states (as the 3D dialog shows). Someone at some 
time must have changed it to bool, but probably forgot to cleanup the 3D 

I am not sure if the attribute is allowed to be used with the same name 
in two scenarios (maybe valid), but probably not with two different data 
types (?) so one probably should be renamed.

And the 3D dialog should be corrected...



Am 22.07.2016 um 00:44 schrieb Regina Henschel:
> Hi all,
> in ODF 1.2 exists the attribute
> 19.99 dr3d:lighting-mode
> It has the description
> "The dr3d:lighting-mode attribute specifies whether lighting is used 
> in a three-dimensional chart." and "... a three-dimensional scene."
> And for data type: "The dr3d:lighting-mode attribute has the data type 
> boolean 18.3.3."
> What is the purpose of this attribute? From the text I would expect, 
> that it enables/disables the use of lights in the scene or chart.
> But in addition exists in ODF 1.2 for 3D Objects the style property 
> 20.79 dr3d:lighting-mode
> The description is, "The dr3d:lighting-mode attribute specifies 
> whether lighting is used for a three-dimensional object."
> Notice the "three-dimensional object" here.
> And for data type: "The defined values for the dr3d:lighting-mode 
> attribute are:
>     ●double-sided: the front and back sides of all planes are 
> displayed if they are visible from the viewer's perspective.
>     ●standard: Depending on the value of the dr3d:normals-direction 
> attribute, only the front or only the back side sides of the plane are 
> displayed. The opposite sides are not displayed, whether they are 
> visible from the viewer's perspective or not."
> So this style property is connected to normals.
> The code is very confusing. I find in mbLightingMode(false) in 
> SdXML3DSceneAttributesHelper and later 
> setPropertyValue("D3DSceneTwoSidedLighting", uno::Any(mbLightingMode))
> That makes no sense to me.
> I do not find any place where "double-sided" vs "standard" is 
> evaluated on file open, I see no UI element to set it, and the 
> property "D3DDoubleSided", which sounds so, is mapped to 
> XML_BACKFACE_CULLING in sdpropls.cxx, which is another different style 
> property. And my test files do not work as I expect it in regard to 
> normals, in case I write dr3d:lighting-mode="standard" in the file.
> Reason for my investigation is, that the OASIS ODF TC will revise 
> these texts for ODF1.3.
> Kind regards
> Regina
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