GSOC report : Week #3

Jaskaran Singh jvsg1303 at
Tue Jun 14 05:15:23 UTC 2016

I'm working on the project to implement import of ODF styles through Orcus.
The following work has been done this week :-

   1. Implemented ODF Font Underline in Orcus.
   2. Written Tests for ODF Font Underline in Orcus.
   3. Fixed a bug that prevented the import of some Border styles.

I plan to do the following work this week

   1. Finish up with the remaining work on ODF Number Format.
   2. Write tests for the ODF number format.
   3. Start with ODF Conditional Format.

By the end of this week , I would start with work on Condtional formatting.
By the middle or end of next week I would have finished all my work on
Orcus and hopefully we could have a new Orcus release :)
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