GNOME Documents - LibreOffice integration | Packaging requirements

Pranav Kant pranav913 at
Thu Mar 17 09:25:06 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Please note that with new Libreoffice integration in GNOME Documents 3.20
it is required that if you have LibreOffice installed, (which resides in $libdir/libreoffice/program/
directory) must be symlinked to $libdir so that gnome-documents can find it
in path.

GNOME Documents tries to look for the GIR file (created by LibreOffice if
you use sysui/desktop/share/ If found, it will expect in path, so please make sure that it exists,
otherwise gnome-documents is likely to get confused and crash. If GIR file
is not found (which is the case if no LibreOffice is installed), then
there's no problem and it will be fine; though obviously you won't be able
to make GNOME Documents use the new feature in this case.

LibreOffice is not a hard dependency in GNOME Documents. But if installed,
you need to take care of above steps. Also, the minimum LibreOffice version
required to make Documents use this feature is 5.1.

Pranav Kant
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