Performance regression

Norbert Thiebaud nthiebaud at
Sun Mar 27 06:19:15 UTC 2016

PS: the tables below are best seen using a fixed-width font

between 39c8d40ddf85903d9ea2b81ae4ca924e91f89cb7 and
there is a notable perf regression in many of the tests we cover
in one (or more) of these commits:

bc9ff64c40a3e39b705f9fb141a63fc5c014b930 tdf#97637 Fixed Tab size of
beanshell editor to 4
03b1cc800e6fcbabfe4e8f62b547e57b23a12508 Galaxy: Swap image and draw icons
with more suitable ones
4f034adcb79684bc4138e2f9708defd8a3532f74 Resolves: tdf#97953 spinbuttons
are not suitable for reuse as up/down arrows
cee3b45977d34f290e50a8fbc8b0dd60ef10faae StyleSettingsOptions Only NONE,
Mono and NoMnemonics are in use
305a164e8b1094a041373ab9808aedcf4c76a1b6 StyleSettingsOptions::SpinArrow is
not set by anyone
473b03d1a4b7cdd72551a9039f6cc76a808cce58 StyleSettingsOptions::SpinUpDown
is not set by anyone
55b33456c14aa5311fb0e3d71f1cad4fbd73cbef refactor ImplDrawSpinButton
548c2274c9ba7542d6bcae5fefd1400ee4e22fc3 move from boost::signal to typed
423b79e7366203db3f57dea75b8cb9eb852b5614 tdf#97752 SVGIO ignore not
matching parent paints
549130ab5d9616f7eb5504db31546b386737ccb2 fdo#94009: harfbuzz: don't export
symbols from VCL

This show the percentage of difference of the Ir count between the two sha
for the different test:
select distinct test_name, round(((last_value(ir) over wnd -
first_value(ir) over wnd ) + 1.0)*100.0/first_value(ir) over wnd, 2) from
runs where  sha='bc9ff64c40a3e39b705f9fb141a63fc5c014b930' or
sha='39c8d40ddf85903d9ea2b81ae4ca924e91f89cb7' window wnd as ( partition by
test_name order by test_name,sha rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND
UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) order by test_name;

                     test_name                     | round
 add_named_range_by_name                           | 56.56
 add_named_range_from_titles                       | 55.35
 big_file_ods_load                                 | 16.42
 big_file_ods_to_ods                               |  0.03
 chitest                                           |  0.10
 copy_sheet_by_name                                | 16.52
 doSubTotal_on_large_sheet_with_formulas           | -0.01
 doSubTotal_on_large_sheet_without_formulas        |  0.07
 empty_odg_load                                    |  1.81
 empty_odp_load                                    |  1.90
 empty_ods_load                                    |  3.19
 empty_odt_load                                    |  3.37
 fdo_72884_doc_load                                |  1.87
 fdo_72884_doc_to_doc                              |  3.50
 formula_compiler_ods_load                         | 16.74
 formula_compiler_ods_to_ods                       |  0.14
 ftest                                             | -0.01
 gcd                                               | -0.01
 grammar_spaces_doc_load                           |  0.93
 grammar_spaces_doc_to_doc                         |  0.41
 insert_new_sheet_by_name                          | 10.53
 lcm                                               |  0.01
 loadingFileWithSingleBigSheetdoSubTotal_2000lines |  1.43
 long_para_load                                    | 12.35
 long_para_to_odt                                  | 11.86
 many_images_odt_load                              |  2.14
 many_images_odt_to_odt                            |  0.06
 many_styles_docx_load                             |  1.03
 many_styles_docx_to_docx                          |  0.59
 multi_line_cells_ods_load                         |  0.68
 multi_line_cells_ods_to_ods                       |  0.62
 multi_line_cells_xlsx_load                        |  0.35
 multi_line_cells_xlsx_to_xlsx                     | 24.99
 no-op_initial_startup                             |  0.12
 no-op_startup                                     |  0.56
 numbers_ods_load                                  |  0.66
 numbers_ods_to_ods                                |  0.23
 numbers_xls_load                                  |  2.90
 numbers_xls_to_xls                                |  0.24
 numbers_xlsx_load                                 |  0.87
 numbers_xlsx_to_xlsx                              |  0.13
 pearson                                           |  0.00
 remove_named_range_by_name                        | 56.59
 remove_sheet_by_name                              |  0.80
 replace_all                                       |  0.01
 search_all_sheets_by_style                        | -0.05
 search_all_sheets_by_value                        | -0.06
 style_switch_doc_load                             |  0.81
 style_switch_doc_to_doc                           | 24.74
 style_switch_docx_load                            |  0.42
 style_switch_docx_to_docx                         | 20.87
 style_switch_odt_load                             |  0.90
 style_switch_odt_to_odt                           |  0.25
 sum_numbers_column                                |  2.49
 sum_with_array_formula_condition                  |  1.40
 sumx2py2                                          |  0.05
 ttest                                             | -0.28
 very_long_table_doc_load                          | 34.08
 very_long_table_doc_to_odt                        | 44.29
 very_long_table_docx_load                         | 47.84
 very_long_table_docx_to_docx                      | 53.26
 very_long_table_odt_load                          |  6.39
 very_long_table_odt_to_doc                        | 52.45
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