clang -Wimplicit-fallthrough and missing breaks

Eike Rathke erack at
Mon May 9 17:10:26 UTC 2016

Hi Caolán,

On Monday, 2016-05-09 09:54:42 +0100, Caolán McNamara wrote:

> [... switch case indent ...]

Parts of that seem to be what the default Vim C-indent options cause, i.e.

switch (foo)
    case bar:
    case bar:

Modifying the cinoptions settings helps, in particular if the bN option
is not used (or N=0) (which I was guilty of for example, now changed ;-)
then the break statement is indented as well, b1 cures this to

switch (foo)
    case bar:
    case bar:

However, this only when re-indenting the code, to automatically do this
when typing also add 0=break to cinkeys.

Additional helpful settings are N-s to not indent inside a namespace
block, and g0 to not indent private: and public: within a class

So, to combine, the settings would be

set cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s
set cinkeys+=0=break

We could force that in the mode lines.


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