Updating vcl EMF+ Renderer without using the cppcanvas metafile renderer

Aptitude Testing Team aptitude at btconnect.com
Wed May 11 11:47:00 UTC 2016

Currently when we render EMF+ images, they are first rendered to a bitmap
(using a set size/resolution). This causes fonts to render poorly and pdf
export to contain the bitmap, instead of the text.

This is documented clearly in vcl/README.

To fix this, I believe that it should be possible to copy
cppcanvas/source/mtrenderer/emfplus.cxx into vcl/source/filter/wmf and adapt
it to use "class WinMtfOutput"

So, vcl draws the EMF+ in the same way as the current EMF.

The vcl/README says this is a lot of work. I am not sure exactly why this
is. It appears that it is merely a cut and paste exercise

What I would find helpful is somebody to comment on the accuracy of
vcl/README, since this section was updated a couple of years ago, the
comments may no longer be valid.

There was a comment in
ocessing-td4132203.html#a4132247 by Thorsten that suggests there are further


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