SHELL in Mail Merge code

Jan-Marek Glogowski glogow at
Tue Nov 22 12:02:56 UTC 2016

Hi Alex,

Am 22.11.2016 um 09:45 schrieb Alex McMurchy:
> This Mail Merge code
>>     const bool bMT_EMAIL   = rMergeDescriptor.nMergeType ==
>>     const bool bMT_SHELL   = rMergeDescriptor.nMergeType ==
>>     const bool bMT_PRINTER = rMergeDescriptor.nMergeType ==
>>     const bool bMT_FILE    = rMergeDescriptor.nMergeType ==
> appears in sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
> I'm mostly familiar with the EMAIL, PRINTER and FILE and when and how to
> test/use them.
> What I'm not familiar is SHELL. What is it in respect of Mail Merge and
> under what circumstances would I use if and how?

This is used LO internally or via UNO to directly display a single
merged FILE document (the document shell) used by the wizard or plugins,
like WollMux.

So instead of writing the merged file and open it, mail merge returns a
reference to the generated document. This helps a lot with large
documents, because we don't have to open the document to display it to
the user.

> Regards


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