New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
scan-admin at
scan-admin at
Tue Oct 25 20:42:00 UTC 2016
Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
22 new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
10 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.
New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 20 of 22 defect(s)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374287: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
906 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper & OStatement_Base::getInfoHelper()
907 {
908 return *getArrayHelper();
909 }
>>> CID 1374287: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
911 sal_Bool OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(
912 Any & rConvertedValue,
913 Any & rOldValue,
914 sal_Int32 nHandle,
915 const Any& rValue )
916 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
906 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper & OStatement_Base::getInfoHelper()
907 {
908 return *getArrayHelper();
909 }
>>> CID 1374287: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
911 sal_Bool OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(
912 Any & rConvertedValue,
913 Any & rOldValue,
914 sal_Int32 nHandle,
915 const Any& rValue )
916 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
906 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper & OStatement_Base::getInfoHelper()
907 {
908 return *getArrayHelper();
909 }
>>> CID 1374287: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
911 sal_Bool OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(
912 Any & rConvertedValue,
913 Any & rOldValue,
914 sal_Int32 nHandle,
915 const Any& rValue )
916 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
906 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper & OStatement_Base::getInfoHelper()
907 {
908 return *getArrayHelper();
909 }
>>> CID 1374287: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
911 sal_Bool OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(
912 Any & rConvertedValue,
913 Any & rOldValue,
914 sal_Int32 nHandle,
915 const Any& rValue )
916 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
906 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper & OStatement_Base::getInfoHelper()
907 {
908 return *getArrayHelper();
909 }
>>> CID 1374287: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
911 sal_Bool OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(
912 Any & rConvertedValue,
913 Any & rOldValue,
914 sal_Int32 nHandle,
915 const Any& rValue )
916 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
906 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper & OStatement_Base::getInfoHelper()
907 {
908 return *getArrayHelper();
909 }
>>> CID 1374287: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
911 sal_Bool OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(
912 Any & rConvertedValue,
913 Any & rOldValue,
914 sal_Int32 nHandle,
915 const Any& rValue )
916 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
906 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper & OStatement_Base::getInfoHelper()
907 {
908 return *getArrayHelper();
909 }
>>> CID 1374287: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
911 sal_Bool OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(
912 Any & rConvertedValue,
913 Any & rOldValue,
914 sal_Int32 nHandle,
915 const Any& rValue )
916 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
906 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper & OStatement_Base::getInfoHelper()
907 {
908 return *getArrayHelper();
909 }
>>> CID 1374287: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
911 sal_Bool OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(
912 Any & rConvertedValue,
913 Any & rOldValue,
914 sal_Int32 nHandle,
915 const Any& rValue )
916 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OStatement.cxx: 911 in connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
906 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper & OStatement_Base::getInfoHelper()
907 {
908 return *getArrayHelper();
909 }
>>> CID 1374287: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
911 sal_Bool OStatement_Base::convertFastPropertyValue(
912 Any & rConvertedValue,
913 Any & rOldValue,
914 sal_Int32 nHandle,
915 const Any& rValue )
916 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
** CID 1374286: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/Button.cxx: 282 in frm::OButtonModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374286: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/Button.cxx: 282 in frm::OButtonModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
276 OClickableImageBaseModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast( _nHandle, _rValue );
277 break;
278 }
279 }
>>> CID 1374286: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
282 sal_Bool SAL_CALL OButtonModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw (IllegalArgumentException)
283 {
284 bool bModified = false;
285 switch ( _nHandle )
286 {
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet.cxx: 733 in connectivity::odbc::ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet.cxx: 733 in connectivity::odbc::ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374285: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet.cxx: 733 in connectivity::odbc::ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
728 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper & ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet::getInfoHelper()
729 {
730 return *getArrayHelper();
731 }
>>> CID 1374285: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
733 sal_Bool ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet::convertFastPropertyValue(
734 Any & rConvertedValue,
735 Any & rOldValue,
736 sal_Int32 nHandle,
737 const Any& rValue )
738 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet.cxx: 733 in connectivity::odbc::ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
728 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper & ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet::getInfoHelper()
729 {
730 return *getArrayHelper();
731 }
>>> CID 1374285: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
733 sal_Bool ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet::convertFastPropertyValue(
734 Any & rConvertedValue,
735 Any & rOldValue,
736 sal_Int32 nHandle,
737 const Any& rValue )
738 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/datasource.cxx: 724 in dbaccess::ODatabaseSource::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/datasource.cxx: 724 in dbaccess::ODatabaseSource::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374284: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/datasource.cxx: 724 in dbaccess::ODatabaseSource::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
718 // cppu::OPropertySetHelper
719 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper& ODatabaseSource::getInfoHelper()
720 {
721 return *getArrayHelper();
722 }
>>> CID 1374284: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
724 sal_Bool ODatabaseSource::convertFastPropertyValue(Any & rConvertedValue, Any & rOldValue, sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
725 {
726 bool bModified(false);
727 if ( )
728 {
729 switch (nHandle)
/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/datasource.cxx: 724 in dbaccess::ODatabaseSource::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
718 // cppu::OPropertySetHelper
719 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper& ODatabaseSource::getInfoHelper()
720 {
721 return *getArrayHelper();
722 }
>>> CID 1374284: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
724 sal_Bool ODatabaseSource::convertFastPropertyValue(Any & rConvertedValue, Any & rOldValue, sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
725 {
726 bool bModified(false);
727 if ( )
728 {
729 switch (nHandle)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OResultSet.cxx: 1432 in connectivity::odbc::OResultSet::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OResultSet.cxx: 1432 in connectivity::odbc::OResultSet::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374283: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OResultSet.cxx: 1432 in connectivity::odbc::OResultSet::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
1427 IPropertyArrayHelper & OResultSet::getInfoHelper()
1428 {
1429 return *getArrayHelper();
1430 }
>>> CID 1374283: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
1432 sal_Bool OResultSet::convertFastPropertyValue(
1433 Any & rConvertedValue,
1434 Any & rOldValue,
1435 sal_Int32 nHandle,
1436 const Any& rValue )
1437 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
/connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/OResultSet.cxx: 1432 in connectivity::odbc::OResultSet::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
1427 IPropertyArrayHelper & OResultSet::getInfoHelper()
1428 {
1429 return *getArrayHelper();
1430 }
>>> CID 1374283: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
1432 sal_Bool OResultSet::convertFastPropertyValue(
1433 Any & rConvertedValue,
1434 Any & rOldValue,
1435 sal_Int32 nHandle,
1436 const Any& rValue )
1437 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException)
** CID 1374282: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/framework/source/fwe/classes/actiontriggerseparatorpropertyset.cxx: 265 in framework::ActionTriggerSeparatorPropertySet::impl_tryToChangeProperty(short, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374282: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/framework/source/fwe/classes/actiontriggerseparatorpropertyset.cxx: 265 in framework::ActionTriggerSeparatorPropertySet::impl_tryToChangeProperty(short, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
259 const Sequence< Property > seqActionTriggerPropertyDescriptor( pActionTriggerPropertys, PROPERTYCOUNT );
261 // Return "PropertyDescriptor"
262 return seqActionTriggerPropertyDescriptor;
263 }
>>> CID 1374282: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
265 bool ActionTriggerSeparatorPropertySet::impl_tryToChangeProperty(
266 sal_Int16 aCurrentValue ,
267 const Any& aNewValue ,
268 Any& aOldValue ,
269 Any& aConvertedValue )
270 throw( IllegalArgumentException )
** CID 1374281: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/spinbutton.cxx: 128 in frm::OSpinButtonModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374281: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/spinbutton.cxx: 128 in frm::OSpinButtonModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
122 default:
123 OBoundControlModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast( _nHandle, _rValue );
124 }
125 }
>>> CID 1374281: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
128 sal_Bool OSpinButtonModel::convertFastPropertyValue(
129 Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue )
130 throw ( IllegalArgumentException )
131 {
132 bool bModified( false );
133 switch ( _nHandle )
** CID 1374280: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/ComboBox.cxx: 257 in frm::OComboBoxModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374280: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/ComboBox.cxx: 257 in frm::OComboBoxModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
251 default:
252 OBoundControlModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast(_nHandle, _rValue);
253 }
254 }
>>> CID 1374280: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
257 sal_Bool OComboBoxModel::convertFastPropertyValue(
258 Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue)
259 throw (IllegalArgumentException)
260 {
261 bool bModified(false);
262 switch (_nHandle)
** CID 1374279: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/Columns.cxx: 392 in frm::OGridColumn::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374279: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/Columns.cxx: 392 in frm::OGridColumn::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
386 default:
387 OPropertySetAggregationHelper::getFastPropertyValue(rValue, nHandle);
388 }
389 }
>>> CID 1374279: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
392 sal_Bool OGridColumn::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
393 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue )throw( IllegalArgumentException )
394 {
395 bool bModified(false);
396 switch (nHandle)
397 {
/forms/source/component/EditBase.cxx: 295 in frm::OEditBaseModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/EditBase.cxx: 295 in frm::OEditBaseModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374278: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/EditBase.cxx: 295 in frm::OEditBaseModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
289 default:
290 OBoundControlModel::getFastPropertyValue(rValue, nHandle);
291 }
292 }
>>> CID 1374278: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
295 sal_Bool OEditBaseModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
296 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
297 {
298 bool bModified(false);
299 switch (nHandle)
300 {
/forms/source/component/EditBase.cxx: 295 in frm::OEditBaseModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
289 default:
290 OBoundControlModel::getFastPropertyValue(rValue, nHandle);
291 }
292 }
>>> CID 1374278: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
295 sal_Bool OEditBaseModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
296 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
297 {
298 bool bModified(false);
299 switch (nHandle)
300 {
** CID 1374277: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/scrollbar.cxx: 174 in frm::OScrollBarModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374277: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/scrollbar.cxx: 174 in frm::OScrollBarModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
168 default:
169 OBoundControlModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast( _nHandle, _rValue );
170 }
171 }
>>> CID 1374277: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
174 sal_Bool OScrollBarModel::convertFastPropertyValue(
175 Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue )
176 throw ( IllegalArgumentException )
177 {
178 bool bModified( false );
179 switch ( _nHandle )
/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx: 1570 in frm::ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx: 1570 in frm::ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx: 1570 in frm::ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx: 1570 in frm::ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx: 1570 in frm::ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374276: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx: 1570 in frm::ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
1564 OPropertySetAggregationHelper::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
1565 break;
1566 }
1567 }
>>> CID 1374276: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
1570 sal_Bool ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
1571 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
1572 {
1573 bool bModified(false);
1574 switch (nHandle)
1575 {
/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx: 1570 in frm::ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
1564 OPropertySetAggregationHelper::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
1565 break;
1566 }
1567 }
>>> CID 1374276: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
1570 sal_Bool ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
1571 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
1572 {
1573 bool bModified(false);
1574 switch (nHandle)
1575 {
/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx: 1570 in frm::ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
1564 OPropertySetAggregationHelper::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
1565 break;
1566 }
1567 }
>>> CID 1374276: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
1570 sal_Bool ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
1571 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
1572 {
1573 bool bModified(false);
1574 switch (nHandle)
1575 {
/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx: 1570 in frm::ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
1564 OPropertySetAggregationHelper::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
1565 break;
1566 }
1567 }
>>> CID 1374276: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
1570 sal_Bool ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
1571 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
1572 {
1573 bool bModified(false);
1574 switch (nHandle)
1575 {
/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx: 1570 in frm::ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
1564 OPropertySetAggregationHelper::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
1565 break;
1566 }
1567 }
>>> CID 1374276: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
1570 sal_Bool ODatabaseForm::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
1571 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
1572 {
1573 bool bModified(false);
1574 switch (nHandle)
1575 {
** CID 1374275: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/refvaluecomponent.cxx: 122 in frm::OReferenceValueComponent::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374275: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/refvaluecomponent.cxx: 122 in frm::OReferenceValueComponent::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
116 default:
117 OBoundControlModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast( _nHandle, _rValue );
118 }
119 }
>>> CID 1374275: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
122 sal_Bool SAL_CALL OReferenceValueComponent::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw (IllegalArgumentException)
123 {
124 bool bModified = false;
125 switch ( _nHandle )
126 {
** CID 1374274: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/ImageControl.cxx: 303 in frm::OImageControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374274: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/ImageControl.cxx: 303 in frm::OImageControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
297 OBoundControlModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast(nHandle, rValue);
298 break;
299 }
300 }
>>> CID 1374274: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
303 sal_Bool OImageControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue, sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue)
304 throw( IllegalArgumentException )
305 {
306 switch (nHandle)
307 {
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374273: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
485 if ( isFontRelatedProperty( nHandle ) )
486 FontControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
487 else
488 OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
489 }
490 }
>>> CID 1374273: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
491 sal_Bool OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
492 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue )throw( IllegalArgumentException )
493 {
494 bool bModified(false);
495 switch (nHandle)
496 {
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
485 if ( isFontRelatedProperty( nHandle ) )
486 FontControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
487 else
488 OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
489 }
490 }
>>> CID 1374273: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
491 sal_Bool OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
492 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue )throw( IllegalArgumentException )
493 {
494 bool bModified(false);
495 switch (nHandle)
496 {
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
485 if ( isFontRelatedProperty( nHandle ) )
486 FontControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
487 else
488 OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
489 }
490 }
>>> CID 1374273: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
491 sal_Bool OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
492 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue )throw( IllegalArgumentException )
493 {
494 bool bModified(false);
495 switch (nHandle)
496 {
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
485 if ( isFontRelatedProperty( nHandle ) )
486 FontControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
487 else
488 OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
489 }
490 }
>>> CID 1374273: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
491 sal_Bool OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
492 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue )throw( IllegalArgumentException )
493 {
494 bool bModified(false);
495 switch (nHandle)
496 {
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
485 if ( isFontRelatedProperty( nHandle ) )
486 FontControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
487 else
488 OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
489 }
490 }
>>> CID 1374273: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
491 sal_Bool OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
492 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue )throw( IllegalArgumentException )
493 {
494 bool bModified(false);
495 switch (nHandle)
496 {
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
485 if ( isFontRelatedProperty( nHandle ) )
486 FontControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
487 else
488 OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
489 }
490 }
>>> CID 1374273: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
491 sal_Bool OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
492 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue )throw( IllegalArgumentException )
493 {
494 bool bModified(false);
495 switch (nHandle)
496 {
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
485 if ( isFontRelatedProperty( nHandle ) )
486 FontControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
487 else
488 OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
489 }
490 }
>>> CID 1374273: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
491 sal_Bool OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
492 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue )throw( IllegalArgumentException )
493 {
494 bool bModified(false);
495 switch (nHandle)
496 {
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
485 if ( isFontRelatedProperty( nHandle ) )
486 FontControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
487 else
488 OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
489 }
490 }
>>> CID 1374273: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
491 sal_Bool OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
492 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue )throw( IllegalArgumentException )
493 {
494 bool bModified(false);
495 switch (nHandle)
496 {
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
485 if ( isFontRelatedProperty( nHandle ) )
486 FontControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
487 else
488 OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
489 }
490 }
>>> CID 1374273: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
491 sal_Bool OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
492 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue )throw( IllegalArgumentException )
493 {
494 bool bModified(false);
495 switch (nHandle)
496 {
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
485 if ( isFontRelatedProperty( nHandle ) )
486 FontControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
487 else
488 OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
489 }
490 }
>>> CID 1374273: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
491 sal_Bool OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
492 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue )throw( IllegalArgumentException )
493 {
494 bool bModified(false);
495 switch (nHandle)
496 {
/forms/source/component/Grid.cxx: 491 in frm::OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
485 if ( isFontRelatedProperty( nHandle ) )
486 FontControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
487 else
488 OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( rValue, nHandle );
489 }
490 }
>>> CID 1374273: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
491 sal_Bool OGridControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue,
492 sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue )throw( IllegalArgumentException )
493 {
494 bool bModified(false);
495 switch (nHandle)
496 {
** CID 1374272: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx: 1641 in frm::OBoundControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374272: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx: 1641 in frm::OBoundControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
1635 break;
1636 default:
1637 OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue(rValue, nHandle);
1638 }
1639 }
>>> CID 1374272: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, std::exception)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
1641 sal_Bool OBoundControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(
1642 Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
1643 sal_Int32 _nHandle,
1644 const Any& _rValue)
1645 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException, std::exception)
1646 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
/forms/source/component/formcontrolfont.cxx: 251 in frm::FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
245 _rValue = lcl_extractFontDescriptorAggregate( _nHandle, m_aFont );
246 break;
247 }
248 }
>>> CID 1374271: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
251 bool FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue,
252 sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
253 {
254 bool bModified = false;
255 switch( _nHandle )
256 {
** CID 1374270: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/clickableimage.cxx: 648 in frm::OClickableImageBaseModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374270: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/clickableimage.cxx: 648 in frm::OClickableImageBaseModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
642 default:
643 OControlModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast(nHandle, rValue);
644 }
645 }
>>> CID 1374270: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
648 sal_Bool OClickableImageBaseModel::convertFastPropertyValue(Any& rConvertedValue, Any& rOldValue, sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue)
649 throw( IllegalArgumentException )
650 {
651 switch (nHandle)
652 {
/forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx: 938 in frm::OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx: 938 in frm::OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx: 938 in frm::OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx: 938 in frm::OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx: 938 in frm::OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374269: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx: 938 in frm::OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
932 else
933 OPropertySetAggregationHelper::getFastPropertyValue( _rValue, _nHandle );
934 break;
935 }
936 }
>>> CID 1374269: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, std::exception)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
938 sal_Bool OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(
939 Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue)
940 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException, std::exception)
941 {
942 bool bModified(false);
943 switch (_nHandle)
/forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx: 938 in frm::OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
932 else
933 OPropertySetAggregationHelper::getFastPropertyValue( _rValue, _nHandle );
934 break;
935 }
936 }
>>> CID 1374269: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, std::exception)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
938 sal_Bool OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(
939 Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue)
940 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException, std::exception)
941 {
942 bool bModified(false);
943 switch (_nHandle)
/forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx: 938 in frm::OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
932 else
933 OPropertySetAggregationHelper::getFastPropertyValue( _rValue, _nHandle );
934 break;
935 }
936 }
>>> CID 1374269: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, std::exception)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
938 sal_Bool OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(
939 Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue)
940 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException, std::exception)
941 {
942 bool bModified(false);
943 switch (_nHandle)
/forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx: 938 in frm::OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
932 else
933 OPropertySetAggregationHelper::getFastPropertyValue( _rValue, _nHandle );
934 break;
935 }
936 }
>>> CID 1374269: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, std::exception)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
938 sal_Bool OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(
939 Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue)
940 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException, std::exception)
941 {
942 bool bModified(false);
943 switch (_nHandle)
/forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx: 938 in frm::OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
932 else
933 OPropertySetAggregationHelper::getFastPropertyValue( _rValue, _nHandle );
934 break;
935 }
936 }
>>> CID 1374269: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, std::exception)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
938 sal_Bool OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(
939 Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue)
940 throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException, std::exception)
941 {
942 bool bModified(false);
943 switch (_nHandle)
/dbaccess/source/core/api/statement.cxx: 201 in OStatementBase::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
/dbaccess/source/core/api/statement.cxx: 201 in OStatementBase::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
*** CID 1374268: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/dbaccess/source/core/api/statement.cxx: 201 in OStatementBase::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
195 // cppu::OPropertySetHelper
196 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper& OStatementBase::getInfoHelper()
197 {
198 return *getArrayHelper();
199 }
>>> CID 1374268: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
201 sal_Bool OStatementBase::convertFastPropertyValue( Any & rConvertedValue, Any & rOldValue, sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
202 {
203 bool bModified(false);
204 switch (nHandle)
205 {
/dbaccess/source/core/api/statement.cxx: 201 in OStatementBase::convertFastPropertyValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &, com::sun::star::uno::Any &, int, const com::sun::star::uno::Any &)()
195 // cppu::OPropertySetHelper
196 ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper& OStatementBase::getInfoHelper()
197 {
198 return *getArrayHelper();
199 }
>>> CID 1374268: (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw(com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException)" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
201 sal_Bool OStatementBase::convertFastPropertyValue( Any & rConvertedValue, Any & rOldValue, sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException )
202 {
203 bool bModified(false);
204 switch (nHandle)
205 {
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