Test File: sc/qa/unit/data/functions/fods/chiinv.fods: fails with Assertion

Alex McMurchy mcmurchy1917-libreoffice at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Sep 23 11:47:46 UTC 2016

On 22/09/16 21:52, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
> Can you try whether this also works if you checkout current master and
> just change the line
> ifneq ($(PLATFORMID),linux_x86)
> to
> ifneq ($(PLATFORMID),linux_x86foobar)
> in sc/Module_sc.mk to enable the test (disable skipping of the tests)?

Hi Christian

I'm ready to move forward from wherever I am at the moment. If you're asking

I can do a git pull to get the latest code base then run these tests -

 1. Compile/test as is with no amendments - expected results no problems.
 2. Compile/test with chiinv.fods amended to fail - expected results no
    problems as tests disabled.
 3. Compile/test with chiinv.fods amended to fail plus the suggested
    amendment to sc/Module_sc.mk - expected results chiinv.fods fails as
    tests now enabled.

Will this be useful?

I only ever muddle through with git i.e. a clone then a git pull every 
so often.

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