About "Open Source in Public Institutions Conference" in Turkey and possible seminars/talks

Gökhan Gurbetoğlu gokhan at pardus.org.tr
Fri Sep 30 12:41:12 UTC 2016


There will be a conference about the use and promotion of open source 
software which is being conducted in Ankara, Turkey between October 
17-20 inclusive. The conference was held before and mostly developers, 
IT people and managers come to benefit from it. Also in the conference 
there are seminars, talks and workshops which are given by people such 
as: contributors to open source projects, employee/manager of a company 
that provide open source software solutions, government instution IT 
specialists, developers, etc. The aim of the conference is to let the 
attendees learn from people who have started using open source software 
or migrated to open source and to promote its usage in attendees' 
The conference is being conducted yearly by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM (The 
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey - National 
Academic Network and Information Center) and it is being supported by 
the Ministry of Science and Industry and is seen as a step to promote 
open source software usage.
It would be great if a seminar/talk/workshop about LibreOffice is done 
at the event. It is also encouraged by the government to use open 
document standards in institutions and not much have been talked about 
this in the previous conferences. I wonder if anyone with interest that 
will be in Turkey between those dates or residing in Turkey would spare 
their time to give a seminar/talk/workshop.
*Gökhan Gurbetoğlu*
0312 298 92 76
gokhan at pardus.org.tr <mailto:gokhan at pardus.org.tr>
pardus.org.tr <http://pardus.org.tr>
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