New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
scan-admin at
scan-admin at
Sun Apr 30 14:10:00 UTC 2017
Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
4 new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
8 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.
New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 4 of 4 defect(s)
** CID 1405740: (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/vcl/qa/cppunit/errorhandler.cxx: 53 in ErrorHandlerTest::testGetErrorString()()
/vcl/qa/cppunit/errorhandler.cxx: 58 in ErrorHandlerTest::testGetErrorString()()
*** CID 1405740: (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/vcl/qa/cppunit/errorhandler.cxx: 53 in ErrorHandlerTest::testGetErrorString()()
47 MockErrorHandler aErrHdlr;
48 OUString aErrStr;
50 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("GetErrorString(ERRCODE_ABORT, aErrStr) should return false",
51 !ErrorHandler::GetErrorString(ERRCODE_ABORT, aErrStr));
52 // normally protected, but MockErrorHandler is a friend of this class
>>> CID 1405740: (RESOURCE_LEAK)
>>> Failing to save or free storage allocated by "ErrorInfo::GetErrorInfo(283U)" leaks it.
53 aErrHdlr.CreateString(ErrorInfo::GetErrorInfo(ERRCODE_ABORT), aErrStr);
54 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("error message should be non-dynamic", OUString("Non-dynamic error"), aErrStr);
56 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("GetErrorString(ERRCODE_NONE, aErrStr) should return false",
57 !ErrorHandler::GetErrorString(ERRCODE_NONE, aErrStr));
58 aErrHdlr.CreateString(ErrorInfo::GetErrorInfo(ERRCODE_NONE), aErrStr);
/vcl/qa/cppunit/errorhandler.cxx: 58 in ErrorHandlerTest::testGetErrorString()()
52 // normally protected, but MockErrorHandler is a friend of this class
53 aErrHdlr.CreateString(ErrorInfo::GetErrorInfo(ERRCODE_ABORT), aErrStr);
54 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("error message should be non-dynamic", OUString("Non-dynamic error"), aErrStr);
56 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("GetErrorString(ERRCODE_NONE, aErrStr) should return false",
57 !ErrorHandler::GetErrorString(ERRCODE_NONE, aErrStr));
>>> CID 1405740: (RESOURCE_LEAK)
>>> Failing to save or free storage allocated by "ErrorInfo::GetErrorInfo(0U)" leaks it.
58 aErrHdlr.CreateString(ErrorInfo::GetErrorInfo(ERRCODE_NONE), aErrStr);
59 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("error message should be non-dynamic", OUString("Non-dynamic error"), aErrStr);
60 }
** CID 1405739: Null pointer dereferences (FORWARD_NULL)
/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/ 473 in
*** CID 1405739: Null pointer dereferences (FORWARD_NULL)
/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/ 473 in
468 /**
469 * set the text under the button list
470 */
471 private void refreshImageText()
472 {
>>> CID 1405739: Null pointer dereferences (FORWARD_NULL)
>>> Assigning: "item" = "null".
473 Object item = m_nCurrentSelection >= 0 ? getListModel().getElementAt(m_nCurrentSelection) : null;
474 final String sText = PropertyNames.SPACE + renderer.render(item);
475 Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(getModel(lblImageText), PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL, sText);
476 }
478 public void setShowButtons(boolean b)
** CID 1405738: Null pointer dereferences (FORWARD_NULL)
/sfx2/source/control/unoctitm.cxx: 748 in SfxDispatchController_Impl::dispatch(const com::sun::star::util::URL &, const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> &, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchResultListener> &)()
*** CID 1405738: Null pointer dereferences (FORWARD_NULL)
/sfx2/source/control/unoctitm.cxx: 748 in SfxDispatchController_Impl::dispatch(const com::sun::star::util::URL &, const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> &, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchResultListener> &)()
742 {
743 // execute with arguments - call directly
744 pItem = pDispatcher->Execute(GetId(), nCall, xSet.get(), &aInternalSet, nModifier);
745 if ( pItem != nullptr )
746 {
747 if ( dynamic_cast< const SfxBoolItem *>( pItem ) != nullptr )
>>> CID 1405738: Null pointer dereferences (FORWARD_NULL)
>>> Dynamic cast to pointer "dynamic_cast <SfxBoolItem const *>(pItem)" can return "NULL".
748 bSuccess = dynamic_cast< const SfxBoolItem *>( pItem )->GetValue();
749 else if ( dynamic_cast< const SfxVoidItem *>( pItem ) == nullptr )
750 bSuccess = true; // all other types are true
751 }
752 // else bSuccess = false look to line 664 it is false
753 }
** CID 1405737: Control flow issues (DEADCODE)
/vcl/source/window/errinf.cxx: 142 in ErrorHandler::HandleError(unsigned int, DialogMask)()
*** CID 1405737: Control flow issues (DEADCODE)
/vcl/source/window/errinf.cxx: 142 in ErrorHandler::HandleError(unsigned int, DialogMask)()
136 }
137 }
139 bool bWarning = ((nErrCodeId & ERRCODE_WARNING_MASK) == ERRCODE_WARNING_MASK);
140 DialogMask nErrFlags = DialogMask::ButtonDefaultsOk | DialogMask::ButtonsOk;
141 if (bWarning)
>>> CID 1405737: Control flow issues (DEADCODE)
>>> Execution cannot reach this statement: "nErrFlags |= DialogMask::Me...".
142 nErrFlags |= DialogMask::MessageWarning;
143 else
144 nErrFlags |= DialogMask::MessageError;
146 DynamicErrorInfo* pDynPtr = dynamic_cast<DynamicErrorInfo*>(pInfo);
147 if(pDynPtr)
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