Suggestion: Finding missing words in dictionaries via web scraping and nlp

Andrej Warkentin an.warkentin at
Thu Aug 17 13:58:33 UTC 2017

> by "missing words in dictionaries", do you mean that if "teh" was used
> as an archaic spelling of "tea" in a work of Shakespeare (completely
> made up and hypothetical example), that we should add "teh" to the
> dictionary and no longer flag it as a wrongly spelled word?

Of course not. The result of this would only be a candidate list. One 
would probably have to go through such a list manually and see if there 
really are missing words. Maybe this is not needed for the most common 
languages but for others it might be useful. I don't know it and that's 
why I'm asking if this would be something helpful.

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