New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice

Caolán McNamara caolanm at
Mon Feb 13 09:14:31 UTC 2017

On Fri, 2017-02-10 at 13:55 +0100, Michael Stahl wrote:
> i wonder why they even show up, i thought workdir/UnpackedTarball was
> excluded from the scan?

It used to be, but I migrated away from building everything and then
filtering out stuff to ignore towards building against system/prebuilt
stuff in a rawhide docker image because its massively faster to do it
that way and has the advantage that the trend statistics don't include
a big unexplainable block of warnings. While I was at it I dropped the
then empty filter to keep pressure on favoring prebuilds. I've filtered
pdfium for now until the next build. It is interesting to see just how
many warnings were in there though, it is quite a large hunk of code at
280k loc.

> generally we don't fix coverity warnings in code we don't maintain.

the one that bothers me the most is libxmlsec because we never got the
modifications upstream or found another way to do whatever it is we do
to it.

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