sha1sum problem

Norbert Thiebaud nthiebaud at
Fri Feb 24 14:47:33 UTC 2017

On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 8:03 AM, Necdet Yücel <necdetyucel at> wrote:
> 2017-02-24 16:42 GMT+03:00 Norbert Thiebaud <nthiebaud at>:
>> On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 5:13 AM, Necdet Yücel <necdetyucel at>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > in configure script file integrity is checked by using sha1sums.
>> You are sure about that ? or you just did a quick git grep sha1sum and
>> went from there ?
> i saw SHA1SUM="openssl sha1" in configure script and wrote here. If it's ok
> for LO, then it's ok for me too. Sorry for inconvenience

This instance of sha1sum usage is in a test intended to detect a bug
in gmake. the input being sha-ed
are generated during the test.. this is not suceptible attacks, and
even it it was the consequences would be to
not detect a buggy gmake and have the build fail possibly later.

The situation with checksum of 'external' files is much worse that you thought.
They are actually checked with md5.
That being said they are not truly external, since they are hosted on
the project infrastructure
and the original motivation was not so much malicious injection
detection but faulty transfer.
using sha1 there would actually be an 'improvement' :-)

I guess we could convert that to shasum -a 256

Note though that the binaries published by tdf for download come with
a variety of hashes to verify against
including a pgp signature

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