New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice

scan-admin at scan-admin at
Mon Jun 26 14:37:16 UTC 2017


Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.

2 new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
7 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 2 of 2 defect(s)

** CID 1413007:    (ARRAY_VS_SINGLETON)
/sc/source/filter/excel/xepivotxml.cxx: 652 in XclExpXmlPivotTables::SavePivotTableXml(XclExpXmlStream &, const ScDPObject &, int)()
/sc/source/filter/excel/xepivotxml.cxx: 662 in XclExpXmlPivotTables::SavePivotTableXml(XclExpXmlStream &, const ScDPObject &, int)()

*** CID 1413007:    (ARRAY_VS_SINGLETON)
/sc/source/filter/excel/xepivotxml.cxx: 652 in XclExpXmlPivotTables::SavePivotTableXml(XclExpXmlStream &, const ScDPObject &, int)()
646                     aMemberSequence.push_back(it - rCacheFieldItems.begin());
647                 }
648             }
650             auto pAttList = sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper::createAttrList();
651             pAttList->add(XML_axis, toOOXMLAxisType(eOrient));
>>>     CID 1413007:    (ARRAY_VS_SINGLETON)
>>>     Taking address with "false ? "1" : "0"" yields a singleton pointer.
652             pAttList->add(XML_showAll, BS(false));
654             long nSubTotalCount = pDim->GetSubTotalsCount();
655             std::vector<OString> aSubtotalSequence;
656             for (long nSubTotal = 0; nSubTotal < nSubTotalCount; ++nSubTotal)
657             {
/sc/source/filter/excel/xepivotxml.cxx: 662 in XclExpXmlPivotTables::SavePivotTableXml(XclExpXmlStream &, const ScDPObject &, int)()
656             for (long nSubTotal = 0; nSubTotal < nSubTotalCount; ++nSubTotal)
657             {
658                 ScGeneralFunction eFunc = pDim->GetSubTotalFunc(nSubTotal);
659                 aSubtotalSequence.push_back(GetSubtotalFuncName(eFunc));
660                 sal_Int32 nAttToken = GetSubtotalAttrToken(eFunc);
661                 if (!pAttList->hasAttribute(nAttToken))
>>>     CID 1413007:    (ARRAY_VS_SINGLETON)
>>>     Taking address with "true ? "1" : "0"" yields a singleton pointer.
662                     pAttList->add(nAttToken, BS(true));
663             }
665             sax_fastparser::XFastAttributeListRef xAttributeList(pAttList);
666             pPivotStrm->startElement(XML_pivotField, xAttributeList);

** CID 1413006:  Incorrect expression  (MIXED_ENUMS)
/sc/source/filter/excel/xepivotxml.cxx: 775 in XclExpXmlPivotTables::SavePivotTableXml(XclExpXmlStream &, const ScDPObject &, int)()

*** CID 1413006:  Incorrect expression  (MIXED_ENUMS)
/sc/source/filter/excel/xepivotxml.cxx: 775 in XclExpXmlPivotTables::SavePivotTableXml(XclExpXmlStream &, const ScDPObject &, int)()
769                 pPivotStrm->write("<")->writeId(XML_dataField);
770                 if (pName)
771                     rStrm.WriteAttributes(XML_name, XclXmlUtils::ToOString(*pName), FSEND);
773                 rStrm.WriteAttributes(XML_fld, OString::number(nDimIdx).getStr(), FSEND);
>>>     CID 1413006:  Incorrect expression  (MIXED_ENUMS)
>>>     Mixing enum types "com::sun::star::sheet::GeneralFunction" and "ScGeneralFunction" for "eFunc".
775                 sheet::GeneralFunction eFunc = static_cast<sheet::GeneralFunction>(rDim.GetFunction());
776                 const char* pSubtotal = toOOXMLSubtotalType(eFunc);
777                 if (pSubtotal)
778                     rStrm.WriteAttributes(XML_subtotal, pSubtotal, FSEND);
780                 pPivotStrm->write("/>");

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