New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice

scan-admin at scan-admin at
Wed Mar 1 03:18:26 UTC 2017


Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.

2 new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
5 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 2 of 2 defect(s)

** CID 1401593:  Memory - illegal accesses  (WRAPPER_ESCAPE)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwppagelayout.cxx: 316 in LwpPageLayout::RegisterStyle()()

*** CID 1401593:  Memory - illegal accesses  (WRAPPER_ESCAPE)
/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwppagelayout.cxx: 316 in LwpPageLayout::RegisterStyle()()
310     * @descr:   Register master page and page master style
311     *
312     */
313     void LwpPageLayout::RegisterStyle()
314     {
315         std::unique_ptr<XFPageMaster> xpm1(new XFPageMaster());
>>>     CID 1401593:  Memory - illegal accesses  (WRAPPER_ESCAPE)
>>>     The internal representation of local "xpm1" escapes into "this->m_pXFPageMaster", but is destroyed when it exits scope.
316         m_pXFPageMaster = xpm1.get();
318         ParseGeometry(xpm1.get());
319         //Does not process LayoutScale, for watermark is not supported in SODC.
320         ParseWaterMark(xpm1.get());
321         ParseMargins(xpm1.get());

** CID 1401592:  Control flow issues  (DEADCODE)
/oox/source/vml/vmlshape.cxx: 803 in oox::vml::SimpleShape::implConvertAndInsert(const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes> &, const com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle &) const()

*** CID 1401592:  Control flow issues  (DEADCODE)
/oox/source/vml/vmlshape.cxx: 803 in oox::vml::SimpleShape::implConvertAndInsert(const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes> &, const com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle &) const()
798             // When flip has 'x' or 'y', the associated ShapeRect will be changed but direction change doesn't occur.
799             // It might occur internally in SdrObject of "sw" module, not here.
800             // The associated properties "PROP_MirroredX" and "PROP_MirroredY" have to be set here so that direction change will occur internally.
801             if (bFlipX || bFlipY)
802             {
>>>     CID 1401592:  Control flow issues  (DEADCODE)
>>>     Execution cannot reach the expression "2" inside this statement: "aPropSequence.Sequence(((bF...".
803                 css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > aPropSequence (
804                     bFlipX && bFlipY ? 2 : 1);
805                 int nPropertyIndex = 0;
806                 if (bFlipX)
807                 {
808                     aPropSequence [nPropertyIndex].Name = "MirroredX";

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