new errors in loolwsd.log

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at
Mon Mar 13 11:55:49 UTC 2017

Hi Aditya,

On 13/03/17 11:50, Pranav Kant wrote:
> That's a very new code that got merged to master couple of days ago. It
> was a big change.

	Quite =)

> I don't have much idea about it, but others might have a clue here.
> Those "Poll completed with 0 live polls timeout" looks the root cause to
> me, but why they are there in the first place, I am not sure about.

	Would be good to have a longer report on the problm.

	"The Poll complete with 0 live polls"

	is fine - it just means the poll timed-out; I'll add () around the
timeout - nothing was read or written to the sockets - since there was
no data to do that, so we just timeout every few seconds.

	What's the underlying problem ? =)

	Thanks !


michael.meeks at <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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