IDE integration with qtcreator

Michel Renon michel.renon at
Mon Nov 27 23:06:57 UTC 2017

Hi Heiko,

Le 26/11/2017 à 11:37, Heiko Tietze a écrit :
> Trying to setup an IDE environment but after "make qtcreator-ide-integration" the build fails as system include files are not found. For example in case of sc "libxml/xpathInternals.h: No such file or directory" (exists at /usr/include/libxml2/libxml/). Same happens now for make from bash while it worked before. Removing all .pro and *.pro.user solves it for bash but isn't helpful for qtcreator. Guess there is a path variable missing, but what and where?

I would say that your problem is not related to qt-creator integration.

The "make qtcreator-ide-integration" command creates .pro files that are 
used to just load files in qt-creator.
The build process in qt-creator is just a GUI shortcut to the standards 
cli commands : that's why the error appears also in the bash environment.

The only link would be that "make qtcreator-ide-integration removes some 
Maybe you can execute some git command to check that your repo is up to 
date ? ('git pull')



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