Database migration in Base

Bunth Tamás btomi96 at
Thu Apr 12 07:33:39 UTC 2018

Hi Alex,

On 10 April 2018 at 15:04, Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood at> wrote:
> Le 10/04/2018 à 12:30, Tamas Bunth a écrit :
> Read through your blog posts, sounds really promising, and I am
> interested in testing with various hsqldb ODB files that I have accrued
> over time through QAtriaging of Base problems.

Thank you for that.

> Is there any particular setup required to test, other than building from
> master ?
> Are any startup parameters required ?

I build with --enable-firebird-sdbc flag, but I belive that it enabled
by default. So no, that's all.

Thank you,

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